im in 10th grade this is my schhols dess code. hats,visors,hoods,bandans ,sunglasses or other head gear may be worn on campus expect with administrastinve apporal (i.e. medcial nesscity,regilous ,school realted events.
2.graments must be of a length and fit that are suitable to the bluild and the sature of the srudent.all graermts must have a collar or sleeves.therefore the follwiong itmes are porbithoed halter tops,tube tops,blackless dresses/tops,stappgahi starps,tank tops.necklines of all upper graments must be modest.low cut necklines are prhiobited and the cut of graments must not exopse unmdergraments or cleavge.shirts must touch at a miinuinm the top potrion of lower graments at all times.garments that are dirtsting or inapporite are prohboited including but not linmted too those with see trough marttials ,skin tihght itmes,pajmas,trech coats,rips tears ,printed porfainty,or lanugae symbols styles that promote the use of acholol or drugs,tacbboo products,gang realted or other iggeal actitves.
3.pants and shorts should confrim to the bulid and the sarture of the srudents.undergeanmets and the buttkocks must remain enretily coverd even while saeted.dresses,skirts and shorts must be at least mid tgigh or below in length .rips tears above mid teghih are not prenimted.the wsitband of pants,shorts,or skirts must be worn and secured between the hips and the wasit.undergranmets as outerwear,pajma pants,bathing suits,cheer shorts,bike shorts and spandex matrail bottoms are probhited.
4. students must wear shoes that are safe and appropitate for the learning enviorment .students must wear althiich shoes in all pe classes all students shall waer shoes/footwear.cleat ,slippers and shoes with wheels are not preminted to be worn on campus.cealts may be worn for aoppooratie extaulier soprts in poper aeras.,jwerly and accorices shall not convy massages that are crude/vlugar/porfane/volient death oraninted ,gang realted ,sexually suggestisve,promote alcohol,drugs opr tobacoo.
jwerly or accesrorices that pose a saftey concern for the student or others are porbited dog collar wallet chains,lrage hair picks or chains that connect one part of the body to another are probhited.
the rule i think that i have at my high school should stay.