Whats your schools dress code?? No tanktops or ...!!?
2010-08-21 10:10:09 UTC
Our's is pretty much no bras or underwear showing, which means no tank tops or tub tops but you can wear slutty stuff if ur wearing a strapless bra! I think its really stupid, but at ur school whats the rule? Or if ur not in school whats ur kids rule or what do you think should be the rule?
24 answers:
Elizabeth Ann Musser.
2010-08-21 10:44:08 UTC
im in 10th grade this is my schhols dess code. hats,visors,hoods,bandans ,sunglasses or other head gear may be worn on campus expect with administrastinve apporal (i.e. medcial nesscity,regilous ,school realted events.

2.graments must be of a length and fit that are suitable to the bluild and the sature of the srudent.all graermts must have a collar or sleeves.therefore the follwiong itmes are porbithoed halter tops,tube tops,blackless dresses/tops,stappgahi starps,tank tops.necklines of all upper graments must be modest.low cut necklines are prhiobited and the cut of graments must not exopse unmdergraments or cleavge.shirts must touch at a miinuinm the top potrion of lower graments at all times.garments that are dirtsting or inapporite are prohboited including but not linmted too those with see trough marttials ,skin tihght itmes,pajmas,trech coats,rips tears ,printed porfainty,or lanugae symbols styles that promote the use of acholol or drugs,tacbboo products,gang realted or other iggeal actitves.

3.pants and shorts should confrim to the bulid and the sarture of the srudents.undergeanmets and the buttkocks must remain enretily coverd even while saeted.dresses,skirts and shorts must be at least mid tgigh or below in length .rips tears above mid teghih are not prenimted.the wsitband of pants,shorts,or skirts must be worn and secured between the hips and the wasit.undergranmets as outerwear,pajma pants,bathing suits,cheer shorts,bike shorts and spandex matrail bottoms are probhited.

4. students must wear shoes that are safe and appropitate for the learning enviorment .students must wear althiich shoes in all pe classes all students shall waer shoes/footwear.cleat ,slippers and shoes with wheels are not preminted to be worn on campus.cealts may be worn for aoppooratie extaulier soprts in poper aeras.,jwerly and accorices shall not convy massages that are crude/vlugar/porfane/volient death oraninted ,gang realted ,sexually suggestisve,promote alcohol,drugs opr tobacoo.

jwerly or accesrorices that pose a saftey concern for the student or others are porbited dog collar wallet chains,lrage hair picks or chains that connect one part of the body to another are probhited.

the rule i think that i have at my high school should stay.
2010-08-21 10:24:21 UTC
My school has this weird rule that's called like, "The 5 B's". No: 1. Boobs 2. Bras 3. Butts 4. Bellies 5. Backs That means that none of the "5 B's" can be showing or else you get in trouble, basically. Also, they have this rule that your shorts or skirt or dress or whatever has to be lower than your finger tips when you put your arms straight at your side. Yet lots of people get away with it all the time! It's really annoying how some people get in trouble and others don't. Another rule is that if you're spaghetti straps need to be thicker than 2 of your fingers. I don't really think that's fair either because lots of people have different size fingers, different size shoulders, different size tank tops, etc.

I can understand for your school why there should be no bras or underwear- you have to admit that that's reasonable. But the other part you said about wearing slutty top if your bra's strapless doesn't make any sense at all! At my school, if the adults don't think it's appropriate, they tell you to change or to put a sweater/jacket over it and if you didn't bring one then they make you wear a crap one from the lost and found. ick.

I think having a dress code is necessary or else some people would go waaaay overboard and I mean, it's SCHOOL. You're there to learn and to get a good education, it's not a fashion show. However, I think students should have the right to show their creative side and it's fun wearing cool clothes and stuff (which is why I am COMPLETELY against school uniforms).

Hope this was something along the lines of what you were looking for in an answer! By the way, I'm going into eighth grade, too! :P
2010-08-21 10:15:28 UTC
My school's dress code is:

1. No Sagging Pants

2. Sleeveless Shirts must be at least 3 fingers wide

3. Shorts or Skirt must come to the knee

4. No Bra's or Underwear showing

5. Girls shirts must come no lower than 4 fingers under the collar bone

6. No holes in jeans above the knee

That is about it.

Where do u go to school?? I wanna go there! lol
2010-08-21 10:18:09 UTC
Our dress code is horriblee. We have a uniform policy so we have to wear polos (collar, 3 buttons, white, black, or navy blue). Plus for any shirt you wear, you can't have a logo on it. For our pants we can only wear black or navy, they can't be jean material and can't be stretchy like spandex either. Haha they also have rules on what undershirts and socks you wear(but they don't check our socks anyways). Our undershirts have to be solid black, white, or navy.. Sometimes they go crazy with the rules and will ask you to lift your shirt. Yeah, but some days we have dress down days, where we can wear whatever we want. We only get that on holidays and stuff... They think that when students wear certain clothes, and certain brands, it distracts from our learning. But I could care less, we just want more freedom! Students get detentions from violating the school uniform policy and it's just a waste of time. you should be grateful ;[
2016-03-15 10:59:49 UTC
I have to wear uniform! So harsh! I'd rather wear the stuff that you wear that our crappy black uniform! I'm guessing your in America right? I'm in the UK and this is what it says in my homework planner: YEARS: 7,8,9 and 10 Pullover: Black v-neck with school badge (which is a dodgy yellow cross) and house colour flash (I'm in pacific house it's blue) School Tie for boys (thank god!) Shirt or blouse: White open-necked style for girls Trousers or Skirt: Black trouser of approved style or grey traditional skirt Black Shoes: No trainers/no large heals (boring!!!) YEAR 11: A black round neck sweater/sweatshirt with school badge may be warn and a tie is no longer required. A smart white polo shirt is acceptable under the sweater. - Hair colour and style must be appropriate for school: Hair should not be dyed or highlighted in unnatural hair colours. - Jewellery - only one stud earring in each ear (Yeah, they wish!) - Make up - only subtle make-up is permitted in school (which means we pile it on :P) - Coats and other outdoor clothing may not be worn in classrooms No one wears skirts cos it's always absolutely freezing. If you come into class wearing trainers or something you get sent home iv been sent home twice (I got out of double maths!) Oh well just thought I'd tell ya Byeeeeee!!! :)
2010-08-21 10:14:52 UTC
In my school which is in asia, we have a school uniform thats navy blue/white or dark blue. they have shorts, really short shorts :P, long pants, skirts, and normal tennis or polo shirts. they dont allow flip flops or bras or undies showing either.

we also have free dress days, where its pretty much the same as your dress code. although they don't allow ripped or torn jeans, which i dont understand. some teachers claim that ripped jeans are associated with construction workers which i find ridiculous.

I think your school is doing the right thing with their dress code. Now i like having girls that show their bras and that ****, its hot. but it really is a break down in society. im sorry to ruin the mood but, thats the way it is
2010-08-21 10:18:28 UTC
My school dresscode is no thin tank tops, shorts have to be fingertip length, no flip flops (even though people wear them), no short shorts,

And that's pretty much it, but no one obeys the rules and then they make you put on some gross shirt that they have people wear if they something that is not on the dresscode.

Also, no baggy pants. If you pants are too baggy they will tie a rope around your pants to keep them up.

Yeah, it sucks. :-|
2010-08-21 10:13:26 UTC
im going into the eighth grade too ours is if you are wearing short shorts or skirts you have to ahve spandex under them and bra straps are allowed to be showen but not the cup part and no underwaer showing thats for the girls but we are allowed to wear tube tops or tank tops without a strapless bra
2010-08-21 10:40:21 UTC
Our rules are no tank tops.shorts must cover three fourths of your thigh.Dresses and skirts must go to the top of your knee at lest. Jeans cant be too tight. Or tops. Cannot show breasts, or tummy.Only ear peircings allowed. no flip flops. Cannot color your hair any unatural color. I think thats it really. lol
2010-08-21 10:20:12 UTC
we can where tank tops at my school but nothing slutty

our dress code is white shirt with no design on it and navy blue pants but we always where jeans

and no flip flops

i am going to 8th grade too

goood luck hoped i helped :)
2010-08-21 10:16:07 UTC
We cant wear shorts/skirts higher than our finger tips.

Our tank-top straps HAS to be thick enough for our two fingers to fit.

We cant show our belly.

No sagging.

But, no one cares. So we do what we want to like the bad a$$'s we are(;
2010-08-21 10:15:18 UTC
Our tanks top straps have to be one inch think. we cant wear tube tomes or spaghetti straps. our bottoms cant be above our finger tips when our hands are down. so we cant wear booty shorts or mini skirts. uhmmm... thats about it! and im also in eighth grade. i like our schools dress code though!!
2017-03-01 12:31:22 UTC
I'm more of a skirt and dress type of woman. I prefer dresses that are about knee-length though
2017-01-31 09:21:16 UTC
When you have nice thighs to wear them maybe its cause there disclosing its more captivating than pants and you simply get a little more attention looking at them
That 70s Show
2010-08-21 21:23:12 UTC
Everyone who's sayin that their dress code is stupid while it's just little things, at least you don't have to wear freakin POLOS!!

Ugh they're hideous cause they have to be one solid colo, no logos.
2010-08-21 11:28:18 UTC
Don't show too much cleavage

No sagging

No tanktopa shorter than 2 fingers

No shorts above fingertip length

No clothing representing sex, weapons etc.

So much more!!
2010-08-21 10:13:26 UTC
My school, it has to be one inch tank tops, and your shorts/skirts have to be as long as you longest fingertip when your hands are at your sides.. It's stupid.
2010-08-21 10:12:39 UTC
my school dress code is horrible. well not as bad as the private school uniform. we can only wear pink (hot or light), red, green, blue (dark or light), or white shirts. for pants, we can only wear khaki or navy blue. it used to be we could wear any color polo but now our colors are restricted :(
2010-08-21 10:12:48 UTC
My county has a dress code, but my school rarely enforces it.
Brandon Orwick
2010-08-21 10:13:04 UTC
my school doesnt allow tank tops short shorts or if your pants are too baggy.
2010-08-21 10:12:25 UTC
We have a uniform:



White shirt

Black jumper/cardigan

Black trousers/skirt

Black sensible shoes

Black/grey socks

Yeaaaah, it sucks :/
2010-08-21 10:20:09 UTC
my school doesn't have a dress code
tiffany k
2010-08-21 10:17:00 UTC
ours is worse!! u can't wear anything thats not up to your knee or longer even if u are wearing tights!!!!! i hate this!!!!!!
Love And Confusion
2010-08-21 10:11:12 UTC
my school doesnt have a dress code

answer mine please


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