Haut couture means 'high fashion'women's clothing in India that couture is all about bridal wear made in rich silks .its a fashion genre,mainly at italian fashion shows.Haute couture refers to the creation of exclusive custom-fitted fashions In modern France, haute couture is a "protected name" that can be used only by firms that meet certain well-defined standards.The haute couture fashion by India's leading names in bridal design BRIDAL ASIA, one of the most eagerly awaited and sought after destinations for festive and bridal shopping.The ethereal Indian bride was beautifully showcased in a grand amalgamation of tradition, style, colors with modern day silhouettes and forms.India's leading models elegantly walked down the ramp for Bridal Asia presentation a stunning showcase choreography with a stunning showcase of the myriads moods of the modern Indian bride on ramp mpdels should the charming, elegant .
Bridal Asia has always been an offering from the heart.cutting edge in its design offering.
Make sure you are comfortable. Choose the right shoes. If you're not used to walking in heels, start with a thin two-inch heel, preferably one that you have already broken in If the shoes are new, scratch the soles with scissors so that they will not slip when they touch the floor. Alternatively, you can cover the sole of the shoe with masking tape, if you don't want to scratch your shoes.
Shoulders backLearn to stand like a supermodel. Practice your posture, throw your shoulders back, and push your pelvis slightly forward. It might create the illusion that you're leaning back a little, rather than hunching forward
Train yourself to place the ball of the foot down first, and keep all of your weight balanced there rather than on the heel. It may feel strange, but placing the ball of the foot down first gives you more of an elegant stride than a clunky heel-first walk would. It's almost like walking on your tippy-toes, the way ballerinas do.
Put one foot in front of the other (literally). Toes should face forward. Your footprints should form a single line, as if you are walking on a rope or a beam. When done quickly, this gives the body that characteristic swing.
Look straight forward, capturing the essence of the clothes you're wearing with the expression on your face. Focus on an object straight ahead of you (but don't stare at a viewer...that is creepy). Keep your chin down a little and your eyes up - you want the spectators to see your face withought looking down completly. Keep your head still as your body moves down the runway. Don't swing your upper arms, try to look natural and let your lower arms gently sway as you walk. When you make your turn at the end, take one step back, pivvot on that back foot and let your head be the last part of your body to move
Fingers naturally curl under when relaxed, but don't let them! this makes it look like you have NO fingers, especially in pictures. Just let them hang straight down, shaking your hands out will help your fingers relax and look more natural
Develop your own signature walk. There's no simple formula for walking the runway, and what will ultimately make you stand out is not only how well you can move your body but also how much of your own personality you can inject into your performance to make it memorable. The best way to create your own unique style is to experiment, practice,
Think about why you want to walk and look like a model before you do it. Having the clear goal of looking great and being happy because of it will add to your self esteem. Which in turn will increase your attractiveness through radiating self assurance. If you just go through the motions, it will show.
Walking in high heels can have serious short-term and long-term negative effects on your body. Whether it's a sprained ankle from a broken heel or bad knees from years of catwalking, be sure to take these risks into consideration when you decide to use high heels on a regular basis.
Limit your runway walk to the runway, or at least a smooth surface. Make sure there are no obstacles, bumps, or cracks in your way. Using high heels on an uneven or unpredictable surface could result in you injuring yourself, and no one looks modelesque with crutches
If you should trip, fall, or have any other unfortunate circumstance, recover gracefully. Smile, laugh, and keep going as if it never happened. Nothing will demonstrate your confidence like your performance under stressful circumstances
Videotape yourself walking, so you can understand what other people are seeing. Also, by keeping a visual record of your walk, you'll be able to trace your progress as you learn how to strut your stuff like a real supermodel would
Watch supermodels walk the walk. Visit fashion shows and watch them on TV. Who were the models that stood out the most? What made them unique? How was her walk different from the others'? Learn from the best so that you don't have to reinvent the wheel.