Uh. Boots are boots are boots. I don't like the look of real Uggs. I bought a pair Ugg looking boots from JC Penney, and I like them sooo much better than actual Uggs. Btw, Uggs are really expensive and really crappy. So who cares if the boots are fake or not? Grow up and stop showing how spoiled of a brat you are.
And btw, I have a pair of "Fuggs", as you call them, from Walmart that are like a year old. They haven't torn or ripped or anything and I wore them a lot. Who cares what type of shoes someone wears? Well obviously you do. Honestly, unless you're looking really close, you can't exactly tell the difference between real, regular looking Uggs and the fake ones. Grow up.
Okay, so if you live in the south, then you don't need Uggs at all. Before you even begin to judge me, I can afford them, believe me. I have a well paying job. I just don't feel the need to go pay 200 dollars for a pair of boots that I can get for 20 dollars at another store. It's the same material to make both things. The Ugg store just makes you believe that they're the best quality so that you'll pay for it. They brainwash you just to make money.
Um. Excuse me? Projects? You're joking, right? Btw, these are your precious Ugg boots that you find so attractive, right? http://shop.nordstrom.com/s/ugg-australia-classic-tall-boot-women/2836785?origin=category&resultback=640 Well, these are the ones that I have from a completely different store, about 150 dollars cheaper. http://www.jcpenney.com/jcp/X6.aspx?GrpTyp=PRD&ItemID=1b89164&DeptID=70731&CatID=81534&SO=0&Ne=4294957900+3+14+8+1031+18+904+833+949&PCatID=70731&NOffset=2&CatTyp=RLE&Dep=WOMENS+SHOES&N=4294933767&Pcat=WOMENS+SHOES&Cat=boots&Nao=0&PSO=0&bcCat=3&CmCatId=77583|81534 Guess what? They look the freaking same to me.
Okay, still. They look the same. No one is going to be looking inside of my shoe to see that they're not lined the same. The boots are still warm and most of the time they don't look that bad. I'll tell you, the people who annoy me, are the people who wear the Ugg boots tucked into their sweatpants. Let me guess, you do that too? Sadly, I'm probably far more educated that you are, so don't even begin to insult my intelligence. So basically you're saying that you like Uggs because they came from a sheep? Awesome. Who cares about labels? Seriously.
IceSkater: I gave you a thumbs up. She gave me a thumbs down too. To be honest, I don't care. :D
Warm feet + No socks = feet sweat, which means your feet stink when you take off the boots.
Oh yay, I finally learned 1 + 1. Too bad I learned that when I was 3. Now I'm onto more advanced stuff. But maybe my college midterm tomorrow will have 1 + 1 on it, if I'm lucky. Thanks for the help! >.< In regards to your rude & false accusations to me, you need to take your own advice and not make rude and false accusations about other people.
Alright, if you're going to continue with the whole money and education thing, here I go on my spiel. I'm 18, I have a well paying job. I'm putting myself through college, on my own, with money from said job. So I've got the money to buy Uggs, you don't need to worry about that. I don't run to Daddy and Mommy to buy me a new pair of shoes. And as for the education, yeah, like I said. I'm putting myself through college. So I'm fairly educated too. So sue me I'm not going to be a nurse like everyone else apparently wants to do. So sue me because I don't know diseases. I'm not going to be a nurse or a doctor so why should I really care? Oh, and as for hygiene, believe me. I'm pretty sure I know when to clean myself and take care of myself. I bathe once a day and wash my hands constantly, it's not like I'm not hygienic. Which goes along with common sense, or whatever you meant there. And it happens. Sweaty feet, that is. There is a disease called hyperhidrosis which is also known as excessive sweating. By the way, it'd be neither of which, not either.
Sigh. It's called sarcasm. Omg.
Bahahaha, thanks Skater. That 1 + 1 will really help me. :)