2011-10-17 20:20:06 UTC
Is wearing high heels at the pool okay?
I was in vegas last month and all the women at the pool had on bikinis and wore rediculouly high heels. I'm talking about 5" to 6" heels and some with platforms. Truth be told, they all looked really good in them. I'm about 5'11", really thin, and almost all legs and love to wear high heels. Do you think it's too tacky to wear high heels?
I would wear something conservative like what Kelly Brooks wear in the first 3 picture. But I'd love to try something a bit hotter. Any suggestions?
- http://www.celebrityan.com/var/resizes/Kelly-Brook-Gallery/Celebrity_Kelly_Brook.jpg
- http://www.celebrityan.com/var/resizes/Kelly-Brook-Gallery/Kelly_Brook.jpg
- http://www.celebrityan.com/var/resizes/Kelly-Brook-Gallery/Kelly-Brook-Red-Bikini.jpg