my bff's were taunting a girl at my school cuz she had on nine west shoes?
Money Makes Me C(u)m
2007-09-11 19:01:43 UTC
they were calling her miss department store and off the rack girl. I feel so bad about what they did. The girl is having a party this weekend and im going. I want to take her a pair of prada pumps that i know she will just love and it should make her feel better about what happened. im worried it will make me look like im like trying 2 be funny. Should i give her the shoes?

and the girl use to be my bff but she is still cool even though we arent bff's anymore

i think these are the ones
39 answers:
Sambal Oelek
2007-09-11 19:05:29 UTC
Well good for you! The girl can dress however she wants, it's a free country.

Nine west is pretty expensive in the area I'm in right now... I think your friends need a reality check.

Sorry when I first read this I thought they were teasing her because her shoes were EXPENSIVE not cheap. Woooow. Cuz I would get teased for wearing Nine West because it's so steeply priced.

Don't get her any shoes she might feel worse.
2007-09-11 19:21:01 UTC
First of all...a problem like this seems as if it would be happening in High school. And I don't know of any kids still in school being able to buy $400 shoes. Not to mention...they are IMO kind of ugly, they look too old for someone that's having such a teen problem.

Giving someone a gift this expensive can be taken many ways. It can be taken as charity, as someone mentioned above, an insult, a joke, you'll end up embarrassing her for sure and I don't think that's something you want to do. Wow...I remember the days when Nine West was considered a really good brand...about 5 years ago! What happened? Why are young people so concerned with Designer names, expensive garb and just materialism in general? I don't get it.

You need to set things straight with your new "friends". If they're making fun of her for her shoes then what kind of people are they, and why are you even friends with them? Because they like and purchase the more expensive clothing and accessories? That's not the reason for friendships my dear.

Return the shoes if you've already bought them, or keep them for yourself. Find a more Personable give to buy her, or maybe a day at the spa for the two of you to reconnect. Not something that's just going to show her up and make her feel poor.
2007-09-11 19:22:31 UTC
I honestly think youre making this up.

But either way-- what are you- in the seventh grade? Well, your friends should be mature enough not to make fun of her clothes, because if thats all she can afford then, let her be.

Maybe try being friends with better people? I'd get her the shoes, if you want to feel better, but its just a waste of money. Because she could use those 400 dollars to buy like, four pairs of jeans instead of you giving her one pair of shoes she probably wouldnt wear very often.
Lolik :)
2007-09-11 19:39:57 UTC
Do you live in like Beverly Hills or something !!!????!!!

down where i live if someone wore nine west we would consider them rich and fabulous!! ive never even seen an actull Prada shoe!! anyway i think itll make her feel a little more upset knowing that your friends with the girls that made fun of you . i would recomend something else like a cute top or such.

Lolik :)
2007-09-11 19:08:26 UTC
Bringing this gal the shoes will only seem superficial- really. Dont do it, just be her friend ...despite her footwear choices

Your bffs are really tacky...even 15 year olds should know better,it just makes them look like they have no confidence,which most gals in high school dont ,I guess,just part of it...Its good you realize that they are being twerps,but new shoes will not make up for this behavior.
2007-09-11 19:08:45 UTC
Nothing is wrong with Nine West shoes. Your friends sound WAY superficial. Please consider getting them in check or finding new friends. I don't suggest buying her the shoes. She'll most likely get embarrassed and it will probably make her feel worse.You could buy them for her for her birthday, though, if you truely feel the need to give them to her.

P.S. Kudos to you for not joining the taunting and feeling badly about it.
2007-09-11 19:08:40 UTC
Get a bloody life will you, who gives a duck what make your shoes are, you are all so smallminded if what clothes you wear is the judge of someones character.

I'd feel sorry for you and all friends for falling for all this designer label crap it doesn't impress anyone who really matters in life.

Maybe when you grow up you'll understand
2007-09-11 19:05:54 UTC
Go to the party and forget the shoes. I think she will see it as not only a comment on her shoe selection, but charity as well. This is a very sweet thing to do, but unnecessary. If you want to make it up to her, defend her to your friends. Besides that, it's just an odd thing to give someone at a party, especially someone you're not very close to anymore.
2007-09-11 19:10:54 UTC
just bring her a gift she'll like, not something to impress her or make her feel bad even though those are not your intentions, also tell your friends to lay off of her, you never know why she was wearing those shoes, plus, who would spend more than 50 dollars on shoes. they go on our feet, and they get dirty and break..
2007-09-11 19:05:21 UTC
Please dont buy her the shoes. What is wrong with nine west shoes? Those girls are very superficial sounding. Those shoes are soooo exspensive and will not make her happy. For all you know she could have plenty of money maybe she just doesnt like overpriced shoes?

You may be wealthy... very to buy 400 dollar shoes, great for you. Not everyone is concerned with brand names. Consider this. Why not tell your friends not to be jerks? I don't wear shoes that cost that much and in my opinion no one should! how excessive
2007-09-11 19:08:39 UTC
just because they are prada shoes doesn't make them any better than her nine west shoes. how petty of you to assume that you offering her prada shoes will "make her feel better". life is not all about's too bad you and your friends think so.
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2007-09-11 19:06:57 UTC
Maybe she likes Nine West shoes?
2007-09-11 19:07:25 UTC
WHO can afford expensive shoes like that? My god! Problems sure have changed since I got out of high school.
The Reason
2007-09-11 19:08:09 UTC
of course ya should! i think u should maybe just so ur bffs will stop taunting her after realizing that u r her friend too..and u know what if u feel bad about it and u wanna say somethin to them just say it, cuz u wont be pleased until u i think u should buy her the shoes and if she likes them shell accept them. wat i learned is tht there is no fun in being the same, so she should just wear w/e she like best!
2007-09-11 19:07:57 UTC
Keep the shoes for yourself and get rid of your friends. Just cuz something is expensive doesnt mean they look nice. Your friends are snobby beotches.
2007-09-11 19:08:20 UTC
9 west isnt cheap. well not in new york or california (i live in cali in the summer and ny in the winter).

wuts wronge with 9 west???
2007-09-11 19:07:39 UTC
i dont think yoiu should try and make her feel better that way. Of anyone was to have teased me for what i was wearing they would get a insta-a*s beating.
2007-09-11 21:11:19 UTC
nine west shoes are very expensive! if you do not like what your friends did tell them how you feel!
2007-09-11 19:17:06 UTC
I can't believe anyone could be as shallow and idiotic as you and your friends. Find something more useful to put your energy into.
2007-09-11 19:05:47 UTC
wow, ur buying 400 dollar shoes for ur friend? u must have felt horrible! it think that you shouldn't because then you would make her feel bad, like she would need someone else to pick out her shoes.
2007-09-11 19:06:51 UTC
you spend that much on shoes? i dont spend over $10 on shoes, your friends are soo shallow, i think you need new ones! God Bless
2007-09-11 19:11:30 UTC
OH my gawd, why is it that you think you should bring her Prada shoes????? since when are you any better than the ones calling her names........... you sound just as conceited as they are.......... I think she is better off without you as a best friend........... sorry
♥§o contagiou§♥
2007-09-13 07:25:49 UTC
whats wrong with nine west shoes?
2007-09-11 19:08:49 UTC
she can wear whatever she wants and there isnt anything wrong with nine west shoes.
2007-09-11 19:06:20 UTC
haha thats funny, i used to get made fun of cause i used to be fat now people get made fun of cause the brand of there shoes!!
Dr. Dana
2007-09-11 19:06:00 UTC
first of all, nine west shoes are sexy.

shoes are shoes!

if they're cute, they're cute!

the girls at your school are insecure and immature.

let her wear what she wants.
2007-09-11 19:37:26 UTC
Get her these instead:
2007-09-11 19:09:24 UTC
no. i dont think u should give her those shoes at all. i think dat you should give her somethin else that doesnt even remind her of that moment. just talk to her bout wat happend and tell her that they said sorry or something.
2007-09-11 20:15:47 UTC
thats hecka mean of ur friends, ya sure i would give her thoes there DEFFENENTLY not my favorite but it would be nice of u
2007-09-11 19:07:35 UTC
Treat her with respect, thats all you need to do.
2007-09-11 19:12:12 UTC
them shoes are not my style and they seem ugly to me.

Don't give those ugly shoes to her
Leather and Lace
2007-09-11 19:05:37 UTC
One day you will learn that it isn't about material possessions.
2007-09-11 19:08:36 UTC
that is so sweet. you just have to tell her you mean it, and you should say how sorry you are. that's so sweet of you!
2007-09-11 19:07:36 UTC
Those shoes are the bomb girl just give her one present then give her the prada pumps in Private.
2007-09-11 19:43:08 UTC
wow...i'm speechless
2007-09-11 19:05:54 UTC
for the pursuit of happiness
2007-09-11 19:07:29 UTC
wow your bf is very superfical and since when do guys care about name brands

is he gay?
2007-09-11 19:11:32 UTC
your friends are so lame and full of themselves. wtf is wrong with nine west...esp at your

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