"Are you a zit?"
"Then why are you all covered up?"
"Isaac, did I ask you do take my temperature?"
"What?" Isaac asked. "No."
"Then why are you all up in my butt?
"Kristin, are u playing soccer?"
"then why do u sound like you want to sock her?"
“Kristen, why don’t you send me a postcard from Moroco?” Massie asked.
“Huh?” Kristin sounded confused.
“It sounds like your swimming in de-Nile.”
“Claire, were your parents lobsters?”
“Uh, no.” Claire pinched her cheeks until they were rosy.
“Then why were you acting so shellfish?”
"Claire, do you work at a grocery store?” Massie asked as she was wrapping her tape measure around her mannequin’s waist.
“Huh? No,” Claire said.
“Then why are checking me out?”
Are you poor?
then y aren't you making any cents?
Are you a boob?
Then why are you hanging?
"claire are you a midget" massie asked.
"then why dont u just get over him?"
"did i invite you to my barbque?"
"then why are you grilling me?"
"derek, are u having a finals flashback?"
"Then why you desperate to score?"