i dont care if that means im shallow, yes i want to be that way
62 answers:
sara bellum
2006-08-04 14:10:31 UTC
get a boob job and put out everytime
2006-08-12 09:34:39 UTC
don't be the shallow type of popular because when you think about it the only people would find the shallow type of popular kids popular are the shallow popular kids. Be the type of popular where you're friends with everyone. Just try to be nice to everyone and pretty soon you should be popular.
casey w
2006-08-12 10:00:01 UTC
honestly the only way you can really be popular is signing up for sports or some kind of school activity or group and just have a ton of confidence in your self and just totally stop caring in what other ppl think about you. cuz when your all into what ppl think of you thats normally when you tend to be a little less popular . so just relax a little do what you want to do and remember to have confidence thats how i became popular i joined sports and did cheer and dance. and just didnt really care what ppl thought i am friends with everyone. everyone loves me cuz im so energenic and outgoing and i dont care if im being a dork so just trust me
Sassy Tease-Sex With Sassy Radio
2006-08-04 14:17:15 UTC
Be your self dont be afraid to be different in my opinion some people gravitate tward those who are a little unusual or have thier own way of doing thing they call them trend setters.
Treat other people with respect and be real do something you've always wanted to do do a podcast.,radio sow start making clothes but dont do it to get friends in my opinion more friends doesn't always mean you are popular in m opinion sometime having alot of friend can cause problems especilly if they are friends with you because you are "Popular" in other words they like you thier own reasons selfish reasons or because of what you have.
Be careful what you wish for. In my opinion it's better to want happiness and find out who you are so that way you will be able to later decide what you want more popularity or just to like yourself as a person just my opinion.......
Be popular with you and then you wont need to seek out the attention from others the attention and friends you are wating...it will come to you if ou just be true to who you are and be true to yourself
Kaitlyn S
2006-08-11 00:44:38 UTC
why would you want to be popular? are you not happy with your life? what if you become popular are you going to ditch all your old friends that have been there for you your whole life. Being popular isnt glamorous, your life is going to be a huge lie. If being popular is n e thing like my school its all about drugs. One of my friends has mental problems because she took to much X, just to fit in. Im sure this is the life you want
2006-08-08 06:48:22 UTC
You need a support team. You dont become popular by yourself- its people's perceptions that determine your "popularity". Whats your wardrobe like? Grades in school? What kind of hobbies do you have? What magazines do you read? What kind of food do you eat? Charity? Sports? How much do you weight? Where do you hang out? Put all of these together and slowly you'll realize the change.
2006-08-04 14:26:19 UTC
Why do you want to be popluar and shallow? In 20 years, it won't matter one bit whether or not you were voted Prom Queen, or Most Popular. Things like that don't get you into college, or get a job! Aspire for me than that, and you'll be a lot happier.
miss advice
2006-08-12 14:01:26 UTC
don't try to be popular. in fact, the key to being popular is not caring if people hate you. just talk to people, get to know them, and hang out and let loose the wild and crazy fun girl hiding inside that insecure shell. somewhere along the way, you become popular. some people will always hate you, but even more people will like you because you are too busy having fun to care if people like you or not.
2006-08-05 15:33:02 UTC
I was apparently in the popular group. And let me tell you, yes the parties, friends, boys, coolness, and people wanting to be you are all great. But here;s what wasnt great: Getting pregnant at 16 and being labeled as a s l u t and being forever known as "That girl who got pregnant." Also, a lot of my kids parents dont approve of me.
So its not all as glamorous as it seems
2006-08-04 14:34:46 UTC
Hey dude, get a new personality. No one likes people that WANT to be popular.. your either born with a great personality or not. if not, build one, but man, no you wont be popular by acting that way. get funny, be nice and they'll like you lots better, maybe you'll even become popular
2006-08-04 14:10:03 UTC
There's a book I once read that was a spoof manual on how to get popular...a children's book. In the end, it involved the boy tying a piece of broccoli around his neck on a string. Other than that, I'm clueless.
2006-08-11 22:14:10 UTC
Get involved in a school activity. It's a great way to meet new people. Then get involved in class politics, like run for a class office. Make sure your not shy. Approach new people and say "hi". If you like the "in" crowd, try hanging out with them.
2006-08-04 14:16:29 UTC
i know you are pobably not going to listen, but i'll tell you like this. populaity isn't everything. there are other way moe important things in life. i tried all through school to become popular, and it NEVER WORKED!! in the end, i was the one who was hurt, because now i've lost insight as to who i really am. i just changed to be like every one else so many times, it got really messed up. just be yourself. and DO NOT listen to these people who tell you that sex will make you popular...i know that one isn't true either. you'll just be disespected then.
2006-08-04 14:10:57 UTC
You can't just become popular overnight, you have to work for it. They don't give you the trophy before you're done with the season. Try becoming more social. Hang around cool guys, and the COOLEST girls.
2006-08-11 00:28:29 UTC
People think being popular is sooo cool but it isnt trust me!
But if you really want to be popular then wear all abercrombie&&hollister! Wear makeup&be funny and
talk to alot of guys!
Have funn but dont be a whore!
2006-08-04 14:12:48 UTC
You don't want to be shallow. the first it will be OK but more shallowness makes people mot like you. be yourself and if people don't like you that way who cares.
2006-08-04 14:18:04 UTC
Three words...
Abercrombie and Fitch!
Here's some more words:
Don't be popular!!!!I'm not popular at all,but it's tough enough being a normal person,and it looks twice as hard to be popular!Just forget it!
Lana M
2006-08-04 14:18:08 UTC
hang out with the cool kids on the first day just say hey whats how was ur summer with confidence and then start up a convo maybe about the class or the weather
2006-08-04 14:47:06 UTC
You try to know people. How I got popular is because my mom taught at my school so I knew everybody and then I went to middle school and I became popular. Because I got to know everybody!
2006-08-04 14:12:30 UTC
Well, I'm guessing your not popular right now, so I suggest dont be your self and act like and dress like all the other snobs.
2006-08-04 14:11:06 UTC
The thing is if you be yourself, the people you attract will be genuine as well thus having better and longer friendships. You wont have to struggle to keep up a false front.
2006-08-04 14:12:47 UTC
your friends make you popular so if your a consited, dumb or a plain idiot then theres no way you can be popular.
and being shallow does not fit in this category and believe me friends will help
2006-08-04 14:17:03 UTC
you have friends=popular
stick with what you have, because if you dump it for a while, you may not be able to come back if you fail.
2006-08-04 14:14:00 UTC
Popularity isn't a privalige , it's a right..and it's also a full time job, so be careful what you wish for.
♥ tong tong
2006-08-11 13:57:11 UTC
wear the latest brands-abercrombie, hollister, coach, lv, chanel, american eagle, urban outfitters. get to know every interesting person you meet and soon enough people will start to really like you. or....
be known for something outrageous.. like being a whore and hookup with all the hot jocks and wear sluttly clothes.
either one will get you somewhere
2006-08-04 14:11:11 UTC
Don't try to be popular,just be yourself and live like an normal person:)
2006-08-04 14:10:58 UTC
Dress nice and make sure that you are nice to people, but not a door mat.And dont do anthing obnoxious.Good luck.
The Lovely Ladies of Soccer
2006-08-07 10:09:19 UTC
you have to be a complete ***** to be popular sorry to break it to ya but if youre popular you also have to keep up grades you wouldnt want veeryone to know you failed the grade youre in
2006-08-04 14:12:26 UTC
I am popular but I am myself-Thats what made me this way....If you cant be yourself and be popular than you werent meant to be popular*
2006-08-04 14:10:46 UTC
It largely depends on what you'd like to base your popularity on.
Happy Health Coach
2006-08-04 14:10:34 UTC
you can start by hanging out with those who you think are popular.... become more socially outgoing as well.... join social clubs/ organizations to get to know more people too.
2006-08-04 14:35:30 UTC
just liek yourself and make yourself the boss don't let others boss you arpund watch mean gitrls. anyways this is a pathetic question! w/e. Niot liek we need more abercrombie lovin prep bitches.
2006-08-04 14:09:50 UTC
Date a hot looking guy like me.
2006-08-04 14:10:06 UTC
You're off to the perfect start. Keep going.
2006-08-04 14:09:36 UTC
Firsrt of all being popular is hard, adn you dont want to be it. second of all if you have to ask a bizillion people and can't answer it yourself then you r... wierd or dumb.
2006-08-04 14:09:29 UTC
Grow a personality.
2006-08-12 13:44:39 UTC
umm to be populer maybe be kind to others and ssay jokes umm lets see how did i become populer o i acted like my self
2006-08-12 10:58:21 UTC
Play volleyball and wear make up and do stuff to your hair.
2006-08-04 14:18:15 UTC
Thanks for the laugh. I seriously hope you can mature as a person someday, but at the rate you're going I highly doubt it.
Rick W
2006-08-04 14:11:03 UTC
Rita Darling,
trust me on this........school popularity means nothing!!!!!!!!!
You are who you are.....knowing that will make you happy
2006-08-04 14:10:28 UTC
but awsome new clothes and make your hair look nice every day and you might also want to try make-up!
2006-08-04 14:13:07 UTC
become friends with people u think r popular and act like them..............ugh
2006-08-04 14:10:07 UTC
make sure all the guys you meet know you
inside / out
cailyn w
2006-08-04 14:15:12 UTC
be yourself NOT someone else. Oh and wear really CUTE clothes!! LOL
2006-08-04 14:10:50 UTC
buy the best knee pads you can find and them go to work.
2006-08-06 07:39:18 UTC
sign up an account at webdate and post your sexy pics.
2006-08-04 14:12:45 UTC
look good and be cool, dont try too hard tho
oh-so- Laid-back
2006-08-12 09:14:25 UTC
be yourself and don't care what happens after that
2006-08-04 14:09:16 UTC
You can't be popular.
2006-08-04 14:10:19 UTC
if you have seen hsm then doo what sharpay does
2006-08-11 14:55:16 UTC
just be who you are,Everybody would love you for the person who you are.
2006-08-04 14:13:04 UTC
u cant just become popular ....... u have to be liked by the popular ppl... so idk how to help u cuz i never had that problem
2006-08-04 14:19:07 UTC
buy stuff for everybody.
2006-08-04 15:16:18 UTC
Be your self!
2006-08-04 14:09:14 UTC
have tons of sex and get really good at it
2006-08-04 14:09:59 UTC
start doin it with everybody, and swallow
2006-08-04 14:10:06 UTC
Kursty G
2006-08-04 14:09:53 UTC
be ur self
2006-08-04 14:09:53 UTC
Be yourself...
2006-08-04 14:09:54 UTC
"If you would be loved, be lovable."
2006-08-04 14:19:17 UTC
don't try
2006-08-04 14:08:42 UTC
conceded *****
This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.