I wanna get my ears piercings tomorrow and I have a few questions?
2007-05-21 05:37:45 UTC
So, like the question said, I'm gonna go get my ears pierced tomorrow. First, I wanted to do my research though. When you first get it done, do they supply you with a stud or do you have to buy your own? And how long do you have to keep it in for? I heard from a few people that you have to turn the back or something, is this true? And lastly, when can you finally change the earring to another? Thanks! Sorry if it's too much to read but I'd really like the questions answered. And if anyone has anything else to share, share! Thanks again.
22 answers:
They call me ... Trixie.
2007-05-21 05:41:01 UTC
The studs are usually supplied (for a price). You should clean them and turn them everyday for a couple of months, and I think you're supposed to wait for at least 6 weeks before you swap them out. Cartilage piercings have different rules, though.
2007-05-21 05:50:16 UTC
Most of this information will be given to you at the time you get your ears pierced, including the care. First off, usually you buy the stud when you get there, selecting one from about 5 different choices. Secondly, yes, you need to turn the stud several times a day so when it oozes, and that is not a big thing, it doesn't stick. The idea is to train the ear to leave the hole open on a permanent basis. As for how long, usually a couple of months. It depends on how you react to the procedure, your healing time, etc. Again, you will get documentation and some cleaning solution when you get it done. If you don't, have your ears pierced somewhere else that does supply such things. Good luck and if you have any more questions, give me a shout.
Jojo Q
2007-05-21 05:53:07 UTC
Some stores who sell stud earrings do the ear piercing for free and the same earring could be used directly for the piercing.

Word of caution: Just make sure to select a store that's clean and would practice asepsis or use the clean and sterile technique. There really is no telling of the diseases that may be contacted from unsterile piercing. Some of the illnesses may even have no cure - aids, hepatitis, etc. Worse, if infected you can lose your ear. So be careful!!!

The healing process is relatively short - ranging from days to a few weeks. It'll depend on your body's immune system and capability to repair itself. The wound from piercing is just small anyway. You just need to keep it clean. Some use alcohol to clean it daily. But man, that really hurts. Povidone iodine is much better, as it is painless, but the color - brown may look quite messy. So it depends on you - your tolerance for pain, or your vanity.

Of course, you can always change the earring. But it would be better to let it heal first completely. My advice is to choose a hypoallergenic stud so that there'll be less problems. Sterlings, silvers, some metals can cause allergic reaction that delays the healing. But as long as you don't have an infection, it will eventually heal.
2007-05-21 05:45:46 UTC
When you get your ears pierced its usually included in the price the actual stud & yes you can change it but not for a few weeks unless you want to get an infection. Which since you probably haven't gotten it done before the earrings they use to pierce your ear are not your regular old studs they are pointed and somewhat sharp so they pierce your ear, they aren't easy to get off right away thats another good reason to leave them in. I think the time is 6 weeks to keep them in, but I'm sure the lady will tell you. Don't worry it doesn't hurt to bad either.
2007-05-21 05:48:55 UTC
The stud is usually provided for an extra cost. I know the fatty piercings you have to turn, but not as much as the cartlidge. I believe the loser piercing is 6 week until you can switch it out and the cartlidge is 8 weeks. I found to that the cartlidge is a lot easier to take than the lower piercing. If they offer you ear piercing solution, take it! Or at least clean your ear twice a day until it is not painful with hydrogen peroxide. Hope all goes well.
2007-05-21 06:01:30 UTC
When you get your ears pierced, the establishment normally charges you for the initial pair that they use for the piercing.

You will need to turn (as in spin) the earrings in order to keep the hole clear. You may also need to put some sort of antiseptic on your earlobe to prevent an infection. Ask your technician what they recommend and make sure you completely understand what their instructions are.

The initial studs will need to stay in for a few weeks - your technician will tell you exactly how long.

Now - you didn't ask this, but I'll share. When they're getting ready to pierce your ear, close your eyes (so you won't watch what they're doing). Ask them to give you a moment to mellow yourself. The calmer you are, the less it will hurt. You'll hear a little "pop" and then, voila! your ear is pierced! : )

Good luck and happy earring shopping!
I ♥ Skinny Jeans
2007-05-21 08:08:42 UTC
The studs are supplied but you have to buy them...

The ear piercers will tell you how long you need to keep them in for...I kept mine in for 6 weeks, I think the time is 4-6 weeks.

When you have them pierced, you are supposed to clean them at night (the people who pierced my ears gave me some cleaning solution) and turn them around, but it doesn't hurt or anything, even on the day you have them done!

I changed my earrings after about 7 weeks, but I think it is 4-6 weeks.

And if anyone tells you that it hurts... it didn't hurt me at all! =)
2007-05-21 05:46:16 UTC
OK so first of all, dont be nervous as they just take a gun and do it, and also if the place that you go to gives earrings, then you will get earrings, and wel my friend got her ears peirced last weeek and she said that she has to wear the same earrings for about 7-8 months because it needs to get used to her ear. well heres some info i gathered up

It's important to get your ears pierced by someone who knows what they are doing. You don't want a friend doing the piercing for you. You also should have your parent's permission before you have your ears pierced. Most places won't pierce your ears unless your parent (or guardian) says it's OK.

A good piercing shop will make sure that everything is clean. That means you should see the person wash his or her hands before he or she starts the process. This person should clean your ears with a special soap that kills bacteria.

You or your parent can ask the people at the piercing shop how they make sure the equipment they use - and the earrings - stay sterile, which means germ free. Another way to find out how they do things is to watch another customer get his or her ears pierced. Without these precautions, you run the risk of getting infected ears.

Some places may use a piercing gun. A single-use piercing gun is a good method because it uses the sterile earring to make the hole in your ear. And the gun is used only one time - on you - and then thrown away. That's better than using the same device and transmitting germs from person to person.

Metal Matters

Your first earrings should have gold posts (the part that sits in the hole). A gold post is less likely to cause infection and swelling. Later, you may find some metals cause an allergic reaction.

You're probably wondering if it hurts when the earring or needle goes through. It does, but most kids find that this pinchy feeling doesn't last too long. After the earring is in, the technician will clean your ear again and make sure that the earring is in OK. He or she also will probably tell you how to take care of your new pierced ears.

Taking Care of Your Ears

When you first get your ears pierced, you should leave the earrings in until your ears are completely healed. This usually takes about 4 to 6 weeks. If you don't, your holes could close up and you'll have to go through everything all over again!

You don't want germs with your newly pierced ears, so it's very important to keep your ears clean. For several days after the piercing, you or a parent will need to clean your ears and put antibiotic ointment on them. Whoever is doing the cleaning should follow these steps twice a day:

Wash your hands.

Use a cotton ball or swab to apply rubbing alcohol to the earlobe or lobes.

Gently rotate the earring in the ear.

After your ears have healed, it's a good idea to remove your earrings every night before you go to sleep. When you remove your first earrings, clean them - and any other earrings you'll be wearing - in rubbing alcohol. And if an earring ever gets stuck in your ear, seek help from a grown-up.

What if Your Ears Get Infected?

If you think one of your pierced ears may be infected, tell your mom or dad. An infected earlobe may be swollen, red, warm, and painful, and it may ooze a thick, yellow-white fluid called pus.

It's fairly common for pierced ears to get infected, but don't wait for it to get better by itself because the infection may spread and make you sick. Here are signs you need to tell your mom or dad about:

Your earring gets stuck in your ear.

The swelling or redness spreads beyond the hole.

You get a fever.

Your mom or dad will probably want to call the doctor for advice on how to treat the infection. The doctor will probably suggest a routine of cleaning the ear and putting antibacterial ointment on it.

You'll need to have a parent check in with the doctor again if the infection doesn't start going away after 2 days. But if you take care of the infection, it probably will go away completely in 1 to 2 weeks. Then you can start enjoying your pierced ears again!
2007-05-21 05:45:45 UTC
You have to buy the studs they will pierce your ears with but usually they pierce for free. You should make sure it's a good place to get them piereced at like a jewlery store. I believe you have to keep them in for atleast 4 weeks then you can change them but as they are dont want to leave earings out for too long your hole will close up again which wont happen completely so you can just push them through. when you first get them pierced you have to turn the backs regulary(with clean hands) and clean regularly. When i had my daughters done they handed out a fact sheet and care instuctions. as they did wiht me when I was I would as if they dont hand you one if they have any.... :)
2007-05-21 05:42:37 UTC
They can answer all these questions for you when you get it done BUT

* the fee usually includes the piercing studs

* you have to rotate the ear rings once every 24 hours and put peroxide on them once a day.

* You usually have to leave them in 4 - 6 weeks.
2007-05-21 05:54:24 UTC
Get your ears pierced at Claire's. They supply the studs [maybe for a price i forget] . I think you have to keep it in for 6-9 weeks.When you have them in you have to twist the earing once in awhile. You can change them when the 6-9 weeks are over. Make sure you use the cleaning solution the give you!
2007-05-21 05:42:56 UTC
If you have it done professionally, the price includes the studs. When mine were done, it was not studs but a ring (ear-ring) and I had to turn that ring everyday until it could turn smoothly round without being sore. I waited 3 months (just to be sure) before changing ear-rings.

Word of advice - NEVER EVER wear anything but pure metal (gold, silver, platinum...). Once I got an infection from a cheap pair of ear-rings, never again.
taylor m
2007-05-21 05:42:26 UTC
A good piercing shop with have sterile studs to supply you with, which you will have to purchase. They will probably recommend you keep them in for 8 to 10 weeks before you change them to another pair. They usually also tell you to turn the posts once a day.
2016-05-19 01:52:23 UTC
1. Nope. 2. Including jewelry? That sounds about right, maybe even a bit inexpensive. 3. It all depends on the experience. I tend to do more than 15%; piercing is a much bigger deal than waiting tables. I usually go 50% of the base price (ie, the price of the piercing minus jewelry). IE, these 3 would come to $45 at my shop, so I'd go with $20something. If the piercer was rude or at all unprofessional, don't be afraid to show that in your tip. ;] 4. Industrial barbells tend to be pricey, so I'd say at least $60 with jewelry. Also, Kudos for understanding why the people who say "GO 2 CLAIREZ THEIR CHEEP" are idiots. ;]
2007-05-21 05:41:19 UTC
well it depends on where you get it donewhen i got mine peirced they supplied the stud. you have to keep it in for 4-6 weeks. you have to turn the back of the earring 2-3 times a day so it doesnt get infected. you can change your earing in about 4-6 weeks.
2007-05-21 05:43:15 UTC
Most reputable peircing 'salons' provide studs, these are made of non allergenic metals. I suggest clensing your piercing regurlarly with water and salt. One must not remove the studs until the piercing has healed, this is to insure that the piercing does not get infected. Wait about two months before changing studs.
yin yang
2007-05-21 05:51:40 UTC
i've gotten my ears pierced twice, and as far as i know, they let you keep the studs. if they don't, go to a different place, because when you get your ears pierced, it tends to pus a fair bit (don't worry it won't hurt!), so if they're geving you studs someone else has used ... eww.

i left mine on for about three weeks, after which i felt it had completely healed. it varies from person to person, though, depending on how long it takes for the pain and bleeding and pus to subside (that may sound scary but it isn't!).

here's something you should remember: ask the person who pierced your ear for an ointment you could use to help the piercings heal faster. they'll suggest one, or you could just go to any pharmacy, they'll know. believe me, these ointments are really helpful!

good luck!
2007-05-21 05:42:08 UTC
These answers sound like you could ask a professional. When You go to get you're ears pierced, ask the person whos doing you're peircings whatever you need to know. I'm sure they'll answer anything you need to know. Hope this works. Good luck!
Amanda A
2007-05-21 05:46:26 UTC
they give you a stud!!! you have to keep them in for about 6 weeks!!! and then after 6 weeks you can change them!!!! you have to turn the back every day!!!
2007-05-21 05:42:35 UTC
Didn't I answer your question, it is like a pinch, and I am not just telling u this.
2007-05-21 05:42:32 UTC
dont do it it will hurt so much, you may as well cut your eye lids with a blunt peice of wood saw instead
2007-05-23 09:18:40 UTC
hi check this link its good


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