OK so first of all, dont be nervous as they just take a gun and do it, and also if the place that you go to gives earrings, then you will get earrings, and wel my friend got her ears peirced last weeek and she said that she has to wear the same earrings for about 7-8 months because it needs to get used to her ear. well heres some info i gathered up
It's important to get your ears pierced by someone who knows what they are doing. You don't want a friend doing the piercing for you. You also should have your parent's permission before you have your ears pierced. Most places won't pierce your ears unless your parent (or guardian) says it's OK.
A good piercing shop will make sure that everything is clean. That means you should see the person wash his or her hands before he or she starts the process. This person should clean your ears with a special soap that kills bacteria.
You or your parent can ask the people at the piercing shop how they make sure the equipment they use - and the earrings - stay sterile, which means germ free. Another way to find out how they do things is to watch another customer get his or her ears pierced. Without these precautions, you run the risk of getting infected ears.
Some places may use a piercing gun. A single-use piercing gun is a good method because it uses the sterile earring to make the hole in your ear. And the gun is used only one time - on you - and then thrown away. That's better than using the same device and transmitting germs from person to person.
Metal Matters
Your first earrings should have gold posts (the part that sits in the hole). A gold post is less likely to cause infection and swelling. Later, you may find some metals cause an allergic reaction.
You're probably wondering if it hurts when the earring or needle goes through. It does, but most kids find that this pinchy feeling doesn't last too long. After the earring is in, the technician will clean your ear again and make sure that the earring is in OK. He or she also will probably tell you how to take care of your new pierced ears.
Taking Care of Your Ears
When you first get your ears pierced, you should leave the earrings in until your ears are completely healed. This usually takes about 4 to 6 weeks. If you don't, your holes could close up and you'll have to go through everything all over again!
You don't want germs with your newly pierced ears, so it's very important to keep your ears clean. For several days after the piercing, you or a parent will need to clean your ears and put antibiotic ointment on them. Whoever is doing the cleaning should follow these steps twice a day:
Wash your hands.
Use a cotton ball or swab to apply rubbing alcohol to the earlobe or lobes.
Gently rotate the earring in the ear.
After your ears have healed, it's a good idea to remove your earrings every night before you go to sleep. When you remove your first earrings, clean them - and any other earrings you'll be wearing - in rubbing alcohol. And if an earring ever gets stuck in your ear, seek help from a grown-up.
What if Your Ears Get Infected?
If you think one of your pierced ears may be infected, tell your mom or dad. An infected earlobe may be swollen, red, warm, and painful, and it may ooze a thick, yellow-white fluid called pus.
It's fairly common for pierced ears to get infected, but don't wait for it to get better by itself because the infection may spread and make you sick. Here are signs you need to tell your mom or dad about:
Your earring gets stuck in your ear.
The swelling or redness spreads beyond the hole.
You get a fever.
Your mom or dad will probably want to call the doctor for advice on how to treat the infection. The doctor will probably suggest a routine of cleaning the ear and putting antibacterial ointment on it.
You'll need to have a parent check in with the doctor again if the infection doesn't start going away after 2 days. But if you take care of the infection, it probably will go away completely in 1 to 2 weeks. Then you can start enjoying your pierced ears again!