2008-08-14 07:35:02 UTC
Okay, I ordered all these clothes already, except for the necklace and sneakers. But I will be wearing a necklace that is a black choker, like the one shown. And I have sneakers like the grey ones. This is for my first day of 9th grade. I think it's cool and funky looking. It's in case it's cold. If it's hot, I'll nix the sweater and change the jeans to crop jeans. What do you think of the outfit???
P.S. Yes, I do care about grades and college. I am in the top of my class. So don't say all I care about is how I look. It is important to me, but not all I care about.
And as for the outfit, just tell me a couple things. I'll try to get to all of yours.
Favorite colors:
Favorite stores:
Must have accesory:
Things you absolutely DON'T want:
And anything else you think that I should know: