At school, I prefer to leave my school uniform polo unbuttoned, but my mum who's a teacher at my school reckons that this looks untidy so she always makes me do up my top button. If people at school see me with my top button done up they think I'm a dork and make me undo it, but if I have it unbuttoned my mum always finds out because she's a teacher and tells me to button it up again. These days I just keep my top button done up all of the time because it's to much trouble trying to not let my mum find out that I am wearing my polo unbutton, but everyone at school keeps calling me a dork. I tried convincing my mum to let me wear my polo unbuttoned like all of the other kids, but she thinks that if the other kids parents saw them with their polo shirts unbuttoned they'd make them button them up which of course isn't true. Please help! What do I do?