Why is bra singular, but pants is plural?
2006-09-16 19:59:29 UTC
Can't we get some consistency?
Sixteen answers:
2006-09-16 20:01:05 UTC
People like being difficult
2006-09-17 03:22:04 UTC
You've had a full dissertation on bras, so I'll just touch on the pants angle. If memory serves, it has to do with the fact that originally, pants were not sewn together. They were separate leggings. After the appropriate amount of time, someone put it all together, but retained the plural.
2006-09-17 03:18:08 UTC
just bacause the full name is brazzier doesn't mean it's more than 1 or plural.. if you say pant's then it's automatically 2 or more.. then if you say pant it's 1 pair and the same with bra or brazzier's.... brazzier meaning 1 then brazzier's meaning more than 1.
writing is my gift
2006-09-17 03:07:33 UTC
You would think we could get some consistency. But the English language makes no sense.
2006-09-17 03:53:39 UTC
pants is plural...pant is singular...people usually say pants cos its a way of talkin but its wrong!
in ur face
2006-09-17 03:02:39 UTC
its like glasses. there might be only one pair but its plural glasses,

that the english language there is nothing u can do

child-children not childs

etc etc
2006-09-17 03:19:41 UTC
Uhm, the English language is very difficult. I dont understand why we cant have one word for everything, nooooo we have to have a gazillion synonyms just to confuse people.
2006-09-17 03:03:57 UTC
Bra... Short for brassiere... I think it is a French word, so thats why it doesnt have an "S" on the end...
2006-09-17 03:02:21 UTC
A pair of socks I understand, but why a pair of pants?

If a pair of pants then why not a pair of shirts?
2006-09-17 03:01:21 UTC
Because it's short for brassiere which is plural!
2006-09-17 03:04:09 UTC
i dun know bra dun is s, but pants is plural. i also wonder y?
Spinning Times LLC
2006-09-17 21:25:03 UTC
Same reason they call underwear "a pair of".
2006-09-17 03:04:18 UTC
English is very complicated.
2006-09-17 03:08:06 UTC
brassiere isn't plural!!! (to diangelis88)
2006-09-17 03:01:14 UTC
I am thinking about shaving my armpits.... Got any beer in the fridge?
The AnswerMan ? (J.L.A)
2006-09-17 03:14:00 UTC
I got an email about that! read on!

Observations on the Intelligent Brassiere

F. N. Stein

1. Introduction

History is a sequence of advancements freeing mankind from

the tedium of labor. Artificial Intelligence research investi-

gates the creation of tools offering increased power and flexi-

bility. In this article, we demonstrate how this research can be

applied to improve the seldom discussed, but most social of all

articles of clothing - the brassiere.

Prior to our discussion of the potentials of the intelligent

brassiere, we look, from several perspectives, at their relevant

aspects. These include their structural elements, their func-

tions, the intentions behind the functions and their cosmetic

roles. Though tedious, these subjects are covered because they

delineate the objects of static solutions. Based upon the

requirements discussed in our review, we then cover the develop-

ments found in the new microprocessor based units, whose power

stems from their ability to dynamically respond to new stimuli.

This, coupled with the device's ability to take an active role,

has led to current research in the use of intelligence in the

device, which is then discussed. We conclude with a summary of

problems solved or still under research.

2. Historical Aspects: Statics

A conventional brassiere consists of four components: a

shoulder support, an across-back stabilizor, the entry mechanism,

the paired enclosing cups, the primary source of focussed support

and shape management. These components are consistently designed

and integrated to meet the four functional requirements of the


* providing support for the sake of comfort and stress


* providing restraint during activity, for safety and dis-


* providing cosmetic corrections of size, shape and place-

ment, including the all important bilateral symmetry

* providing the desired social appearance, meeting the

changing constraints of fashion and the wearer's atti-

tudes and intentions

Of these, the cosmetic and social functions have the

greatest importance in current western concerns. Even the most

naive post-pubescent user is aware of the brassiere's primary

role in public presentation - as a semi-passive indicator of per-

sonality, attitude and mood. Hence, there are strong pressures

towards identifiable postures and peer group conformity. Because

of the social power of the brassiere, it is a tool for engineer-

ing situations furthering the bearer's intentions. Some general

goals typically expressed through this device are: (notably)

attraction and seduction, whether for their own sake or the

advancement of other ends or (more perversely) teasing, titilla-

tion, frustration, ego boosting, intimidation or competition.

For these reasons, the "look" of the brassiere is its salient

feature. Current looks include: "matronly", "fresh/maidenly",

"proper girl", "no-nonsense", "look how big they've gotten",

"soft/comfortable", "mother earth", "no-brassiere", "femme

fatale", "killer on the loose", "good times", "look, but don't

touch", "come and get it", "yummy", "optimist", "perky", "I'm

dying for it", and "I'm just wearing this because I have to".

3. Microprocessor Technology: Dynamics

Technological developments have now made possible a new gen-

eration of brassieres incorporating microprocessors. The key

concept differentiating these new garments from their predeces-

sors is that of dynamics. Whereas the old-style brassieres were

limited to a static configuration, the added power of the

microprocessor allows for real-time adjustments in the structural

components and their relative placement.

The dynamicism has both passive and active expressions. The

passive elements relate best to the traditional needs of the

wearer. These are considered when selecting a particular item to

purchase or wear, and must conform to individual physical and

social circumstance, and how those circumstances are likely to

change over time. The new technology, coupled with the "modern

woman" social revolution, now makes possible the active use of

this device. That is, the wearer need not be content with mere

conformity to circumstance - the brassiere can play a role in

influencing them - through active management of the wearer's


The full range of capabilities evolved from a budding sense

of potential inherent in the micro. The first breakthrough con-

cept was that of individualization - per cup, wearer, overgar-

ment, activity, social situation and intention. In short, this

was the "versatile brassiere". This, coupled with the obvious

fact that all these factors change over time, led to the concept

of adaptation - dynamic reconfiguration in response to internal

and external forces. This was known in research laboratories as

the "moving brassiere". The final breakthrough came when it was

realized that many of the configurations not only recurred

repeatedly, but that many sequences of the configurations also

repeated. The obvious conclusion was that these configurations

and sequences should be pre-programmed into the brassiere, so as

to provide the greatest possible convenience to the user. (The

use of preprogrammed sequences requires less real-time interac-

tion from the brassiere's operator). At present, preprogramming

is accomplished via a detachable teach-mode control panel; how-

ever, current research is focusing on offline program generation

from descriptions of desired states and sequences.

So, what are the features we can expect to see on brassieres

in the near future? We list below some of the innovations,

categorized according to the requirements listed in section 2.


+ individual shape adaptation

+ stress equalization, suited to regional sensitivities

+ temperature regulation

+ self closing entry mechanism, for easier installation

of brassiere

+ pleasurable sensations

+ active dual independent hydraulic suspension

restraint and safety

+ center of mass corrections to maintain body balance

+ anti-jiggle stabilizors, for when operator is in


+ fingerprint identification lock entry mechanism, to

deter intruders

+ shriek alarm and tear gas dispenser

+ anti-drowning inflation

+ flashing red warning lights

+ impact protection air bag inflation


+ symmetry corrections

+ maintenance of "look", irrespective of body orienta-


+ direct covert enhancement or minimalization, includ-

ing textural simulation


+ overgarment adaptation, minimizing of seams and dev-

ice exposure

+ "look" configurations pre-programmed

+ dynamic color, configuration and restraint material

management - for use in bikinis, "naughty"

lingerie, and entertainer's costumes

+ arousal indicator simulation

+ preprogrammed intentional sequences, such as "seduc-


+ feminist auto-destruct feature

4. The Intelligent Brassiere

Now that the brassiere is capable of individual and con-

nected sequences of actions, research has turned to how best to

use this power to achieve the wearer's goals. Because of the

requirements of a rapidly changing environment, the enhanced

powers of the new microprocessor brassieres, the complexity of

their operation and the stereotypical structure of the basic ele-

ments of social behavior, the ideal discipline for such research

is Artificial Intelligence.

The general goal of this research is to free the user from

the necessity of applying his or her resources to the management

of the more routine functions of the brassiere. Moreover,

because of its intelligence and capacity for spontaneous

response, we can expect many new features not normally associated

with current concepts of the brassiere. The primary mechanism

for achieving these goals is embedding an active intelligent rea-

soning machine into the framework of the brassiere, and then pro-

gramming it with scripts based on typical intentional sequences

(developed by knowledge engineers in conjunction with top profes-

sionals) and the ability to compute variants based on immediate

stimulus. Of course, in order for the system to be capable of

such sophisticated behavior, it will require sophisticated sensor

arrays. These will certainly include both tactile (touch and

force), galvanic skin response, perspiration, and hormone level

sensors, and speech recognition devices. A visual system for

object detection would also be convenient, but since the device

is generally deployed in a covert setting, perhaps a radar-based

system would be more effective.

Though no products of this research have yet reached the

market, we speculate here on some of the prototype features found

in advanced designs. As before, they are categorized according

to the four requirement areas; however, it is noted that it is

the social features that benefit most from the use of intelli-



+ near and long term anticipation of environmental


+ scratching upon request

restraint and safety

+ collision avoidance or enabling

+ intruder detection and active countermeasures

+ bulletproof option for law enforcement applications

+ guardian angel for users incapacitated due to

naivity, delirium, arousal or intoxication


+ active simulation of natural responses under a

variety of stimuli, including manual


+ mood sensing and invoking response sequences when


+ deducing optimal appearances and behavior sequences

to maximally achieve goals

+ active interaction with stimulus

+ temporary substitution of responses of preoccupied or

exhausted user

+ prescreening applicants

+ knowing when to discretely disappear

+ burglerproof money pouch

+ street theatre

5. Research Problems

Research has encountered three problem areas in developing

the intelligent brassiere: faults, packaging and control of the


The design and development errors are the most immediately

serious, but also the easiest to remedy. Though several experi-

mental subjects were maimed by early research models, this period

seems to have passed. Some of the more notable errors include:

- a division by zero error which led to the infinite expan-

sion of one of the cups

- a stack error leading to a random branch, causing the left

cup to rotate to the rear of the user

- cumulative truncation errors leading to gradual strangula-


- excessive closed loop delay leading to unbounded oscilla-


- negative lock failures, causing unpredictable loss of sup-


- communication link failures leading to a loss of inter-cup


Packaging has also been a bit of a problem - customer reac-

tion to the microprocessor brassieres has shown some dissatisfac-

tion with the bulky control panel. Further, the complexities of

programming and real-time control have been a bit much for the

average user. The AI type brassieres should eliminate both of

these drawbacks. A more serious problem has been the power sup-

ply module. Laying of cables about the user seems unsatisfac-

tory, as does on-site placement. Current research is investigat-

ing electrical regeneration from the application of wave energy

technology. (Though, in the future, I think we can expect

developments in biotechnology to allow direct installation of the

complete system into the user.)

The hardest problems have been as a direct result of the

intelligence of the brassiere itself. Limitations in intelli-

gence have led to:

- false alarms or situations incorrectly analyzed, leading

to erratic behavior

- vulnerability to electronic scrambling devices

On the other hand, its sophistication has also led to unique

problems, including:

- unwillingness to leave the wearer or to be turned off at


- excessive chattering with other intelligent devices

- occasional active rebellion and tempermental behavior

- development of distinct personalities for the separate

cups (artistic and analytic)

- erotic behavior attributable to a rudimentary sense of


- a case of mental illness, causing serious physical abuse

and mental trauma to the wearer

There are undoubtedly other problems that will be encoun-

tered and handled. However, one thing seems clear. The pros-

pects of a truly intelligent brassiere loom brightly on the hor-

izon - an important product of advanced technology in the service

of mankind.


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