Help please! Need to know tons of stuff for high school!!!?
2009-08-11 15:37:36 UTC
How to do a complete makeover?
I want to do a complete overhaul of my life, right now I don't have a style. I know how melodramatic it sounds but its true. I've been home schooled my whole life and my style is sweats. II am starting high school in two weeks and I'm FREAKING OUT! 'm 10 pounds overweight and I don't do hair and makeup every day. My personality is talkitive, friendly, and happy. It sounds like a dating profile, I know but that is the best way to describe me. I love people but I get so self-conscious all the time. I want to give myself a make over to look the way I want and I really need help. I would like my style to be like this:
Lots of Colder colors like blue purple gray black white (no yellow or orange or red)
Ruffled shirts
Ballet flats and converse (I just got my first pair!)
Pretty feminine because my hair is so short and I am a bit overweight and I have a rectangle face shape and I REALLY do not want to look like a guy...

My hair is short (to my chin) with bangs and choppy layers. I want to know what I should do to my body (not in the disgusting way it sounds, I mean like nail painting etc.)
Also, my ears are not peirced, should I get them peirces
I really need help, this isn't for my image, it's for my self confidence. I need some or I'll go crazy and hate myself and cry in a corner and not be able to make friends and not have courage to raise my hand in class and miss French class (my fave) and scream and such....
Oh, and what should I do about boys, at least the first year?
Any and all help will be great
Polyvores, linx, and pix are great too
tips on teenage life also

P.S. my AIM is Alexandrietteia
Eight answers:
2009-08-11 16:04:18 UTC
Hey okay so relax! everyone and belive me everyone is nervous the first day of high school (normal). sorry i'm gunna write alot!!! so read all

First of all,

O1Before: Before High School, sometimes your high school will have something called a "Fish Camp" For incoming Freshman, or "Fish" as the upperclassmen like to call y'all. (Trust me, it's annoying, but you get used to it.) At this, you will usually have some kind of games to get to know the campus, and the teachers. If you

have your schedule, I would

suggest finding all your classes, and finding the best route to get to them.

O2 The First Day:

Outfit: Choose something simple, but cute. Like in the set above. You don't want something too flashy, or something that could offend somebody. First impressions mean a lot. But don't be afraid to wear something that is YOU. Because, you want your first impression to come across as who you are. Not somebody else.

Morning: Hopefully some of your friends go to the same school as you. Before you enter the school doors, take a breath, pray if you need to, have your friend give you an all-over check, And tell yourself "I CAN do this." Remember, you just need to worry about today. If you don't know anybody, maybe bring something familiar, a small stuffed animal in your purse, I know it sounds baby-ish but it really helps. Usually, there is an assembly, sit by somebody that looks nice, introduce yourself.

Getting To Class: If you don't have time to set up your locker, try to have your supplies organized before, so you can just set your books in your locker. While your walking through the halls, you're probably thinking, "wow, these kids are so big and confident." but they were in your shoes once. There might be a lot of kids in the hallways, just try your best to navigate them. If you need a break, just slip into the bathroom for a breath or two.

O3-AHHH! I can't find my class!- It's okay. There are a TON of people feeling lost too. Teachers don't usually count tardies the first couple weeks of school. Look at the room number, calm down, and know it's okay to ask for help. There are always teachers in the halls to help new students find their way. If you still can't find it, go to the front office. They understand, and I bet you won't be the only one.

O4 Class- You're in the class room? Took you a while to find it? Everyone looking at you? Find a seat. Everyone will forget about it. You did your best. If you had a chance to find a seat, I would suggest one in the Middle, Most people sit there, it will give you a chance to meet new friends. Is there time before the bell rings? Introduce yourself to another student of the teacher. Get your things in order. Pay attention. It's a good thing to have the teacher on your side. More perks for you!

O5 Lunch- Okay. This is probably the most challenging time of the day. You have many options here. You could sit with friends, or somebody you know, sit with someone you met that day, sit with somebody who is sitting by themselves, go out on a limb, sit with random people you have never seen, or sit by yourself. DO NOT PICK THE LAST OPTION. This is not the right way to get started. You need to socialize. You're in high school now.

O6 Uhm, I'm shy?- Okay, I've been saying "Introduce yourself" a lot. And that was something I never did. Because I always had people I knew in my classes, or I was too shy to talk to older people. But it's important. Try if you can, If you can't, it's okay. But please don't sit by yourself at lunch! You might be thinking, "What if they don't want me sitting with them?" Today is the first day. A bunch of people have no clue who's who. They probably expect new people to sit with them. Who knows? You might even make a friend!

O7 Thanks a lot! I've tried to talk to people, but they are rude or ignore me!- These people are not worth your worry or time. Soon enough you'll find friends, and good people to hang out with.

O8 After School- R-E-L-A-X! Treat yourself! Congratulations! You made it through your first day of high school.


Okay as for guys. Don't worry about it in the begining you have plenty on time for boys so don't stress in the begining. Just act friendly and be friends with everyone. Guys and girls.

okay so here are some amazing store i like:






forever 21 <333

american eagal

pac sun

charolette russe

heritage its very good and unique and has cheap and stunning clothes

H&M (these clothes are soo cute and affordable)

Banana Republic

victoria secrets

if you like to shop on the internet an amazing store for teens is:…………

What is "in":

Skinny jeans!!!!!

Distressed skinny jeans

bleached skinny jeans

boyfriend jeans

tank tops so you can layer

cute v necks will never go out of style

graphic tees are always cute




sweatpants for the those days when you don't feel so good

ballet flats

converse (if that is your style personal its not mine but what ever!)

ugg slippers

ugg boots

tennis shoes



okay so hope i could help email me or aim: simonaxoxo
2009-08-11 16:04:08 UTC
I know it's overwhelming to be starting school for the first time BUT its not as bad as you think, i promise! I would pick up Seventeen magazine, they have some really great ideas for girls your age! Also Forever 21, Abercrombie & Fitch, American Eagle, Old Navy and Kohls have some really cute clothes! You could even go in and have one of the sales people help you out with some outfits that would suit your body type the best and help you put some outfits together. As far as makeup goes I would try the natural subtle look, don't cake it on. If you want to Pierce your ears you can but you can also find clip on or magnet earrings that would do the trick. Also jewelry is the key to complete a cute outfit, Forever 21 has really cheap cute stuff and so does the website (super, super cheap!) As far as the weight thing goes, I know how you feel! Try walking with some friends after school or by yourself. Good luck!
2016-05-22 07:54:40 UTC
I have been out of high school for 10 years, and if I could go back there are a lot of things I would do so much different, so I will give you the things I would of done as advice. 1. Do Not give much mind to what people say about you, they will not matter in the very near future, they do not follow you to college or pay your bills, so they don't really matter. 2. Study a lot get good grades, join clubs, you can get scholarships for grades and clubs you are involved in 3. Have friends but don't obsess over who they are and how many, and few or even 1 is fine, you do not need to be the most popular like I said in number 1, they do not follow you after and take care of you 4. Most of all be you, and be proud of you And remember high school is only 4 years not a lifetime even though it may feel like it, it is not. Good Luck have fun and make the most of it.
2009-08-11 16:10:33 UTC
ooh, your really shouldn't be putting your AIM on here, but okay.

So you were homeschooled your whole life?

Alright, I get why you're panicking here. First of all--calm down. You shouldn't really worry about weight, considering there are many people overweight, but if you are, then use your remaining weeks to exercise as much off.

Haha, you're funny. Dating profile. lol.

Back on topic. Think about why you're self conscious. It's probably because you're worried about what people think or how you look, right? Well, you don't have to worry about what people think. That would mean you think they're better than you. They aren't. And no one can look gorgeous all the time, so there's really no reason to feel self conscious.

You're style's fine. It'll fit in with the rest of the teens in high school.

You don't need to do anything to your body, but if you feel you need to, then paint your nails or something.

You don't have to get your ears pierced. I know a lot of girls who don't have them pierced. And earrings aren't that noticeable anyway. That's a bit hypocritical of me to say, since I have piercings, but considering I had them done when I was a baby, I didn't have a choice.

Self confidence. Hahhaa. The first step is to get rid of self-consciousness. No, actually, it's to get rid of your paranoia. School isn't some lame movie. You'll definitely have friends. Just be yourself.

Boys - I wouldn't focus on them in high school. They're all like, smex lovin maniacs.

Tips on teenage life: Go out with friends, don't be fake, don't be cocky, and avoid drugs.

'Tis all I can say for now... Good luck :]
2009-08-11 15:49:35 UTC
10 lbs over weight is totally fine but if you don't like it you can lose it.

Get your ears pierced because they would make you look more feminine and are a great accesorie. As for your body..Mix a little sugar a water and rub them on your lips to exfoliate them and give them a cute pink color, then apply lip gloss. Paint your nails with protective coating which is usually clear and shiny, or even get them done.

Use apple cider vinegar on your face as a toner to make your skin taught and very soft. It even clears up acne. Also give your face a steam treatment ever so often. Boil a pot of water ut a towel over your head and put your head over the pot and let the steam on your face. It makes it brighter and clears your pores!

Boys..well they'll come to you. You seem as though you have an awesome personality so you just have to give that time. And your new so people will want to meet you!

Teenage life..These are your best years girl! dont spend them being shy with low self confidence you have to leave your shell and do stuff you would never see you self doing!! I'll be back with links :3
2009-08-11 15:48:12 UTC
Go grab a teen-style magazine and check out what they are wearing. They will also give you make-up and exercise tips. You should only get your ears pierced if you want to, although many people are way-beyond just ear piercing so it's almost a little odd not to have your ears pierce. As for boys, you should wait until you have grip on your school life before complicating it with dating!
2009-08-11 15:54:33 UTC
okay clam down. high school is actually not that scary. just dress up cute, straighten ur hair or scrunch it. u don't have to wear make up, i just use mascara. i wear clothes from hollister, but u can always go to wet seals, forever 21, american eagle. just step up n talk to people n talk bout something. boys at High school are retarded, believe me. some high school sports are popular so try something like that. u'll get notice if ur on varisty. u also can make new friends on the team. u dont have to join a sport but it does help wit meeting new people.

over all be confident, look cute, n keep ur grades up. good luck
2009-08-11 15:50:14 UTC
SLOW DOWN! omg, i cant believe i read all of that.

just be yourself.

let me try to answer ur questions

- when it comes to fashion just look around, youll get it together.

- dont stick to cold colors, be outgoing. put in splash of yellow or red here and there

- you probably should get your ears peirced.

- try different things with your hair, like curls, buns, ponytails

- dont be shy about talking to boys, but dont be annoying either

this is a pretty good site for girls. just like fashion, body image, boys, and advice.

hope i helped

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.