do i have a problem?
2008-07-19 21:22:09 UTC
I was told that i shop way too much. and i guess i do, but thats not what bothers me. the problem is as soon as i get something i can't stay happy cause then i have to get something else, i've been like this since i was a little kid. it's gotten to a point where i spend a few grand a month. i'm seventeen, is this a problem, or are you guys similiar, am i over thinking this?
260 answers:
2008-07-20 14:56:20 UTC
I could be like that too + i've had that feeling LOTS of time before... here's the thing.

It could be normal because wearing something new boosts our self-esteem, boldness, and confidence.

But when it becomes your instinct to rely on shopping to give you self-esteem, courage, confidence, ect, it could start to be an issue.

A few grand a month basically tells you, you need to change your shopping habits because kids in africa would kill for that!

Here's some stuff that could help you:

1. Give yourself a budget, say $700. This includes shopping, personal needs, grocery, and bills for example.

The rest of your money stays in your bank and give your credit card + debit card to your parents temporarily. That $700 is for you to spend the above wisely. Extra's go in the bank as well.

2. Every time you want to go shopping, think "Do i really need this?" and "If i don't get this, will i be extremely unhappy?"

3. Grab your friends if you are feeling for a need to be boosted on your confidence level. Grab a movie and do each other's make-up and hair. Borrow each other's clothes for fun too! I do that and it makes me feel awesome!!

4. On the safe side, don't trash your old clothes in the garbage. All unwanted acessories and clothes that you don't want should be donated to used-clothes store!

5. If neither of this works, probably consult a professional to help you with this!

I hope all of this helped, i knoe how u feel girl, so don't give up!
i need help
2008-07-20 15:39:25 UTC
A few grand isn't just a bit of change.

Even if you had as much money as you wanted to spare, the problem here is that you find "happiness" by buying new objects.

Honestly, I don't think the feeling you get when you shop is "happiness." Real happiness doesn't go away after a few uses. It seems like you're trying to substitute the habit of shopping and material things for something that you're maybe missing.

Try to think, when you have another urge to shop, why you suddenly have that feeling. What situation are you in that makes you feel like you have to go back to a comforting habit?

Also from an economical point of view, saving a few grand a month never hurt anybody.

Good luck. =D
2008-07-20 09:39:19 UTC
Where on earth is a 17 year old getting a few grand per month? You absolutely have a problem, and if the money is coming from your parents, they do too. If you are getting that much money from your parents you are a spoiled brat and you need to worry about much more than whether you are shopping too much. You have to worry about how you will take care of yourself in the real world, because things WILL NOT always be handed to you. And if by some chance, you are not getting the money from your parents, you're probably involved in something you shouldn't be involved in such as selling drugs. Maybe you have your own credit card. That's ridiculous also. Stop shopping! There's nothing you can buy to make you happy. I suggest you see a doctor because you're either just completely spoiled and you think you need to own one of everything, or you have a problem that isn't really about the shopping. Seek help! Sell your stuff. Grow up. Everyone likes to go shopping and blow lots of money, but it's not realistic. If you're taking this money from your parents you need to learn to appreciate your relationship with them and not just go to them for money. Seriously, if you're spending that much money, you're not spending much time doing anything else.
2008-07-20 16:52:12 UTC
A few grand a month? You do know that a grand is a thousand dollars, right? You're seventeen, where the hell do you get that much money?

And yes, that is a problem. Once you get older and have bills to pay this problem is just going to get even bigger. You're going to have huge debts and you're not going to be able to pay for the things you need.

But I have a similiar problem. I blow all my money on clothes and stuff too. I go to the store having no intention to but anything but I see a goreous dress that I MUST have and I end up buying it. I just can't leave the store until I buy it. Then I usually regret that I bought it because I'm always broke until my next pay check. Then the cycle continues....

So, you're not alone. But you need to stop
2008-07-20 06:47:34 UTC
This question might be more appropriate in the mental health section. You have a serious problem. If by a few grand you mean around 3 grand a month then you are spending 36,000 a year just because you are not happy. Though this can be a sign of mental illness, it is more likely that you are just horribly spoiled. Perhaps your parents do not give you enough attention. What you need to do is get over yourself. Most of us do not have 3000 dollars to use on clothes a year. With the economy as it is, gasoline at 4 dollars a gallon, and soaring food prices you are spending roughly 3 grand on clothes. That is absolutely the height of being a spoiled rich girl. It is people like you that cause communist revolutions. Caught up in your conspicuous consumption. Do you think those things will bring you happiness. My stuff does not bring me happiness. I purchase nice clothing because I take pride in my appearance. There is no way I would ever spend a few grand on clothes every single month. What do you not wear the same clothes twice? You need to get over yourself and stop being a spoiled brat. There is a huge problem with spending a few grand on clothes alone.
2008-07-20 10:03:13 UTC
i am definitely a shopaholic- always looking for cute clothes, throwing together outfits- but not to the point where i spend a ridiculous amount.

i guess if you have the kind of money to be spending so much, it could be okay, but here are a couple approaches that could help you out.

1. find another hobby. occupy yourself so that you don't have time to shop so much. considering you love clothes, maybe learn to sew and make your own clothing.

2. split your money into 2 groups at the beginning of every week/month: spend and save. put half into a savings account, and the other half put towards spending.

3. when you are shopping, hold up the item you are thinking about buying and ask yourself- what will i wear this with? if you don't have something that matches it, don't buy it. don't just buy it and then purchase another piece to match it.

i hope this helps- if the problem becomes more serious, maybe you should seek help.
Syko Bytch
2008-07-20 11:53:12 UTC
Yes, it's a problem.

I don't mean to offend you, but as the first person to answer said: Many people could be fed

But, you could actually probably cut your spending drastically if you tried buying only clearance; limiting yourself to a single item a week (then every two weeks, and so on); asking your parents (or whoever you live with) to budget you; setting a goal for each month (saying you'll spend at least $100 less than the last month); going through your closet and eliminating everything that doesn't make an outfit with at least 5 other articles of clothing (not counting accessories/shoes!) and giving it to charity (resist the urge to go out and buy things to match it); or challenge yourself to wear everything in your closet just once (without changing your clothes more than once in a day) until you run out, before you shop again.

Another thing that my friends and I do is share our closets: If you have friends who wear the same size as you, and you can trust them to take care of and return your things, you can borrow back and forth to make new outfits.

We started doing this because we worked for a nightclub, and couldn't be seen wearing the same outfit twice in a month, but we couldn't afford to go out and buy that many clothes. Many people won't recognize that they're the same clothes if they're on a different person.

Also, I would -definitely- recommend learning to make your own clothes and accessories: it isn't always cheaper, but the effort you put into it will automatically make you appreciate it more. Plus, you'll be able to make things that are exactly what you want, instead of the closest thing you could find, which -might- be part of your problem. Or your problem might be that you lack something "better" to do, so you go and shop, and again, this will be helpful.

Anything sort of thing like those, or a combination of different things, will probably help, eventually (if it doesn't, one word: SHRINK!... the doctor-kind, not the diet-kind).

But, definitely, try to take it slow, or else you'll just end up depressed and that's really bad for you.


Reading through some of the other answers is freaking SCARY!

Some people limit themselves to $500 a month? Or "if you have it, spend it"?!

Dude, I think that it's time that first world governments pass laws forcing teens to spend a year in any given third world country before high school... Seriously, I know families of 9 who spend less than 500 of their local currency a month, total!

*gags at self* I don't mean to sound all freaky and everything, but really, stop buying expensive clothes, kids, especially if you know that you don't need it and won't be happy with it in a couple of wears.
2008-07-20 01:15:15 UTC
I would say yeah, you have a problem. You can not look for happiness in shopping. Also if you are 17 where do you get the money for that? You have to start thinking of saving money and making a budget. You might want to think about what makes you happy when shopping too. Is it the thrill of looking or is it finding the right think? Think about being a personal shopper for ppl maybe. But I know this, shopping is dangerous and it could lead you into debt and bankruptcy. I know someone who has a problem shopping. Never spend more than you can afford. Also, if you don't use it, return it.
2008-07-20 13:37:15 UTC
Unfortunately, yes, you do have a problem. I know that you were probably raised this way and have had everything at your fingertips your entire life, so I know that it is VERY hard for you to see life differently.

I would suggest that you go on a mission trip with a church to help people who don't have much. By doing this, you will be much more appreciative of what you have and not feel the need to buy more and more just to be happy.

I know that there are probably a lot of people who judge you, and for that I'm sorry. You do have a problem and you need to seek help for it, but that doesn't make you a bad person. We all have problems of our own! I would also suggest seeing a therapist, it seems that you could afford it, I am sure that they could help you.

You will be SO much happier and more content if you get this fixed. I wish you the best of luck. Life is too amazing for you to miss out on it because of always wanting and never appreciating.
2008-07-20 08:05:53 UTC
Sounds like you do have a shopping addiction which i would recommend you seek help for. However, i'm obsessed with shopping but i put down an item of clothing i can't afford and sometimes it's so hard because i really like it but thats just life. If you can afford to spend a few grand a month on clothes then how lucky are you?! But if you can't then don't even step foot in any high street or shopping centre. Avoid browsing online and if you have store cards and credit cards cut them'll only end up in debt.
Bonnie S
2008-07-20 20:28:40 UTC
Very large problem. For one thing a few grand is more than some people make to pay for everything (rent, cars, utilites and food). With this aside the fact is that if you shop to be happy it is a problem since you admit you aren't happy after you buy the item. There is such a thing as a shopaholic and like an alcoholic it needs counseling to get through it. It is a form of Obsessive Compulsive Disorder or OCD and can be treated.
2008-07-20 16:58:21 UTC
wow someone i can really relate to. So i buy an expensive purse and then i wear it and then i see something else and im like omg it gotta have that. I then am so focused on getting the new next thing that i lose interest on my previous purchase. I shop like twice a week. The problem is i have so many purses that i dont know what to do with them. Or shoes, or clothes, or jewelery, or purfume. It doesnt matter what it is its just the idea there is something soo cute i really want. So anyway enough about that.

My recomendation(ok so this is what i did) If you have credit cards hand them over to someone responsible. any extra cash like excessive amounts 200 or up keep in your bank account. Dont have more then 200 laying around or you will be tempted to spend it. And the next time you are in a store and you think wow i need that just walk away.

2008-07-20 18:49:33 UTC
I shop shop shop also but I have a job so I can do the age 17 I don't really see you making more then a few grand a month so yes you do have a problem...If you are spending your parents money each month you better stop cause you setting yourself up for a expensive life's one thing to shop a lot but depending on how hard you work for the your age you need to understand the value of money...
2008-07-20 05:12:41 UTC
Wow, ok... it's not a huge problem, but you can say it's a problem. I like to shop a lot too and I do spend quite a lot for my age, 14, but I don't spend nearly as much as you do.

I bet it has something to do with happiness. You can only be happy if you have something new? Because that's not how life is. Happiness is found through people. Your friends and family. Maybe if you went out with your friends and family and did things you enjoy together, you'll forget about shopping for most of the time. You can also find hapiness through doing things you love. Do you have any hobbies besides shopping? For example, I like to read novels and magazines, draw, blah, blah, blah... Plus, helping other people and voluntering for things is sure to make you happy. Just do things to keep your mind off spending money but don't dwell on it too much.
2008-07-20 04:20:37 UTC
You have a problem my friend. My advice would be that when you get upset or feel like you need to buy something, just think about how many kids and you could help with that money. They could go to school, eat something, and get clothes or shoes. So instead of buying something you don't need take that money you were going to spend and donate it to charity. Soon it will become a habit because it makes you feel ten times better then speanding it on yourself. It will make your parents proud too. Try checking out its a great charity that is non profit and i always raise money for it. My aunt founded it so its a great think to look into. Tell your friends too and maybe you can take your shopping time and you and your friends can get together and plan out a way to raise money. You can email me and then i will talk to you about it and tell you how you can get the money to the fund. It's a great opportunity!
Dancer <33
2008-07-20 08:57:14 UTC
Hii yes you might have a problem. I am not sure what it is called but it is when you are obessed with something and you keep getting more of it. I shop a lot to and their is nothing wrong with shopping a lot but dont let it get out of hand. I would try talking to your parents or a consuler and tell them what is happening. I suggest getting a better hobby like a sport such as dance or soccer that way you are busy all the time and you dont have so much free time.

Hope this helps and remember be a smart shopper and dont get stuff you really dont need =)
2008-07-20 20:45:40 UTC
What kinds of things are you buying? I would definitely set in some sort of a budget. Allow yourself to spend only so much per week. And make an agreement with yourself that if you're going to buy something that you will not be happy with, you won't waste the money. There's a problem that you're seventeen and throwing away money. Doesn't make for the best of futures. Learn to appreciate things in life. Money will never buy happiness, remember that. :-)
2008-07-20 19:35:53 UTC
It's not a mental problem, but you definitely have to do something about this. A variety of factors could have caused this, but what you really need to do is ask yourself why you aren't happy with what you have. Maybe you're compensating for something else, like low self esteem, or maybe you're just subconsciously trying to impress others. The only real problem is the one within yourself. You just have to figure out what is going on inside you that makes you unhappy with the many blessings you already have. There is nothing wrong with splurging on yourself from time to time, but when it gets to the point where you're spending enough money to send yourself to medical school, you need to cool it. Try an evening out with friends or a marathon of your favorite show next time you want to treat yourself. Or hey, you might even want to donate some of that money to charity or buy something nice for a friend. Sometimes giving is just as rewarding as receiving.
Animal Girl
2008-07-20 18:38:45 UTC
Yes, that is excessive. Try cutting back and consider donating your no longer worn clothing to charity. Start gradually and spend a a few hundred less each month. What you have is an addiction to shopping and I understand it may make you feel good to shop but try to replace the expensive things that make you happy and replace them with unexpensive options. For example, instead of buying a really expensive shirt consider getting a tasty meal or coffee to life your mood instead. If you keep this up you can work on finding happiness outside of material goods.
2008-07-20 17:53:59 UTC
It's not really a problem if you can afford to be spending that much..hell i'd love to be able to buy a few grands worth of stuff!

maybe you should find another hobby though? it could be that you feel buying things is the only way to improve your mood, so you continually shop, try and find something else to make you happy? a sport? a job? having such an addiction to shopping could lead to serious debt issues in the future
â™ LISAâ™ 
2008-07-20 15:37:43 UTC
A few grand a month??? My kids don't even get a few hundred a month for shopping. I'd say, yes yu have a problem. Who is footing this bill? if you, how did you get a job paying a few thousand a month (my 17 yr old daughter wants to know that). If your parents are giving you the money, then they have created a problem and they need help just as much as you do.....
2008-07-20 16:49:53 UTC
A few grand a month on things that aren't making you happy is a big problem. If you don't buy those things you'll still be unhappy, but you won't be spending money.

Do you use/wear/consume the things you get, or do you just get them and then that's it? If the answer is no to the second part, then I suggest you may need to talk to a therapist to sort out any underlying issues that may exist.
2008-07-20 16:10:40 UTC
well there might be people similiar to what u do, but does not mean u DON'T have a problem. the OTHERS do too. and i dont think theres much u can do about it really. eccept maybe u should NOT recive any money. It should be sent straight to the bank and set so u cant touch it until a certain age, because when your older and have to pay your own bills u will have to learn how to not buy thing as much as u do now. if u dont u will quikly be a fukd up mess. unless your family is RICH
2008-07-20 20:42:10 UTC
that can be a problem, unless you have the money to spend on tons of stuff. maybe for a month or so commit your self to only spending money on sale racks. if you find cute clothes that aren't on sale, realize that soon the stone will get in next season clothes and the old clothes will be a MUCH better price.

As for the never happy thing, most people are like that...i know i am. when i get like that i go through my closets and take the stuff i don't need and sell it on ebay, or give it to the needy. Mentally you feel better about your self.

good luck! i hope i helped

2008-07-20 19:51:50 UTC
Yes! I say that you have a chronic excessive spending problem! If you didn't think that you had an issue with spending money on things that your not happy with for long you wouldn't be here looking for help! It's not really a problem, it's an obsessive behavior with people who are constantly trying to buy their own happiness, Things of this nature can cause serious term oil in lots of Families,You really should seek out some type of counseling for yourself before it gets more out of hand then it already has! I hope this helps.
2008-07-20 12:16:55 UTC
I definitely don't spent a few grand a year maybe like $200 a year. And if you're not happy with what you got like a day after you get it, that means your ungratefully and spoiled. But I'm not just trying to bash you. I like shopping as much as the next girl but i don't do it everyday and i try to think about it and be thankful (99.9% of the time i am)! That's what makes you happy, thankfullness. So just try to be thankfull that you're alowded to shop and get some nice things. You have a bit of a problem but nothing that can't be stoped!
2008-07-20 10:52:45 UTC

You should think if those things that you're buying are really necessary. What will make you happy is not having "that" laptop, or accessory, etc, etc.

What's good is having good friends, going to their places and inviting them over.

Having dinner out and then going to a theater or cinema with someone you love or with friends.

Those are the good things.

You know, the problem of kids/teens nowadays (more recently in Portugal than in USA of course) is that parents give them too much spending money.

I only started taking money to school when I left elementary and when in first years of highschool I'd get money to would be enough to buy a soft drink and a sandwich and maybe I'd be left with 1 dollar (to mention your currency).

Kind regards,

2008-07-20 05:49:20 UTC
hmm.. i have to say i am the same I'm pretty sure its down to my family and what i went through as a child, those type of things effect you, maybe your trying to seek out something and you use the clothes as a substitute, i mean I'm not a therapist! but maybe you feel unhappy with something in your life right now?

but if its not that bad then i think it could just be getting caught up in the craze of wanting to buy new things so you fit in with the standard of today's society, you must look a particular way and own that and do this blah blah blah.. that stuff,

which I'm pretty sure everyone feels the pressure, so you shouldn't worry too much,

maybe try to buy a few things that are expensive and maybe you will treasure them more rather than a lot of cheaper items which is easily forgotten about and thrown out...

hope i could help
2008-07-20 16:46:55 UTC
I think that as long as your not letting your other financial responsibilites take second place to your shopping habit its fine. Keep up on your bills (if your using credit to do all your shopping). Having good credit is imparitive these days and if you choose to build credit while shopping, more power to you! Just be responsible. I started making really good money when i was about 18 and the only thing I had to show for it was my great closet. And Im not at all ashamed. Now my responsibilities are different so i don't shop as much, just know your limits.

Have fun shopping! Make sure to accessorize!
2008-07-20 13:30:53 UTC
Are you insane? Do you know what it's like to NOT have that kind of money? You spend a few grand a month? Why don't you send it to people who need food, homes, abuse help, etc. You're spending THOUSANDS a MONTH on clothes?!?

And you're crazy to think that's NOT a problem.

Here I am, like millions of others, with only change in my purse, my car is almost on E, not knowing how I'm gonna get money to get by. BTW this isn't my computer.

And then we come on-line to see that someone is wasting thousands of dollars a MONTH on clothes. Do you know what us poor people could do with that money? Definitely not waste it on material things. We could pay off our debts, get more accomodable homes for our families, and fix our cars. Maybe even get insurance because I know I can't afford it.

If you think that you're overthinking this, you are insane. I say you need to sit back and look at your wardrobe. Then think about all the kids in school who get picked on because they can't afford that sh*t.

Then go throw your parents' damn checkbook away ('cause there's no way you are making that much money for yourself), cut up your copy of their credit card, then that way you'll be forced to stop.

If you can't stop, you seriously need to talk to a doctor. Because that is seriously horrible.
2008-07-20 14:00:32 UTC
Sooner than you realize , you will have a house full of junk, stuff you no longer want or need. I was like you, but I went to auctions, yard sales, etc. And got all the must haves. Now I have no way of getting rid of the excess except the trash pick-up, and I still see value in all my stuff. I've learned that quality over quantity is best, and put the savings into something that will benefit me later.When that really big item comes up, the cash will be there and you will have space for it.
2008-07-20 20:43:59 UTC
You have a series of serious problems.

a) You lack self control.

b) You are motivated by greed.

c). You are egotistical

d) You are selfish.

e) You are irresponsible

f) You are ignorant of the financial of the problems 0f .66 of the world's population. They have to try to live on less than a dollar a day.

At 17 where do you get a "grand' to spend? If it from your parents your are also spoiled and you have irresponsible parents. If you are working for the the money you have no concept of the importance of saving and consideration for other people.

Spend some time with the Salvos??????

You should be ashamed of yourself
2008-07-20 18:27:48 UTC
That's a little rediculous, I go shopping maybe once a month (if even) and when I do I maybe spend $40-50. And no that's not normal. i'm not a shrink or anything but it seems that you buy material things to replace a feeling or an emotion that you don't "have/ get enough of." for you say you never seem hapy for long with the items you buy. hope I helped : )
2008-07-20 17:14:30 UTC
Ok..a grand is way to much..its ok to go shopping specially if u have the money..i don't..I get new clothes about twice a month..but what you should do is buy clothes that can be mixed nd matched with other things like a cute tanktop u can wear by itself and with a shirt over it..or with jeans..nd try not 2 go way to expensive..200 dolar jeans is 2 much.. Hope this helps.. :)
2008-07-20 12:28:16 UTC
Yeahh,, I do think you have a problem. Spending a few grand a month is a tad over the top. Try cut down on what you buy. You could get into serious debt. Good Luck x
2008-07-20 12:22:34 UTC
well if this problem has been since you were a little kid then it must be whoever took care of you fault. Why because they must have spoiled you at a young age and now it`s hard to stop. I think you should try setting a limit(spending limit). Also i bet you anything if i looked in your closet there would be clothes you don`t even wear you could donate that. I hope this helps a lot
2008-07-20 10:00:54 UTC
I have the same problem in a way because i quickly lose interest in something i buy and I want something new...but I dont have a few grand to spend a month wish I did yes you have a bit of a problem. You are spoiled.
2008-07-19 23:10:47 UTC
Yup, oh trust me I use to have the sameeeee problem however your's seems worse than mine! Here's how I somehow magically stopped (haha magically huh?) My mom stopped giving me money and without a job, no money for shopping which made me turn to other things that actually got me more productive. Once I worked, I found out the value of money so I started to buy less and less. I have to admit... It was a VERY slow start to recovery. Before you guy something though, think and see if it's worth it and if you get it somewhere cheaper. You never know where a sale could be!
Mallory Y
2008-07-20 17:07:27 UTC
you appear to be using shopping as therapy. Is there something lacking in your life? I've known people who do this, my mom for example:) and she momentarily feels better about herself and her life when she spends money. It's an addiction like any other, and it will cause problems in the future when you are old enough to have credit. It's a bad cycle to get into and a hard one to get out of. At lease you are open minded to the fact that it may be a deeper problem.
2008-07-20 14:51:01 UTC
Yes this is a problem and im glad you are questioning it now at an early age before your out on your own where you will spend excess $$ instead of taking consideration of your responsibility. You need to look within and find out why you overshop and what is it you are masking inside that you do this. I think you should seek help, there are many adults that have the same problem you do the only think now it has affected their living and are in debt. Seek help now!
2008-07-20 12:26:03 UTC
no you don't have a problem, it's just being constantly unsatisfied, I do this too but i don't spend half as much because i can't. your lucky you even have that much money to spend at 17 just fill your time up with other things, take up something that gets your adrenaline going like maybe drama classes or something. fill up your time with other things such as music, work towards something e.g if you like fashion do a course on costume design or something. instead of shopping just do something else if you didn't know the things existed you wouldn't want them. you don't have a problem people can make anything into a problem these days, don't worry about it and just preoccupy yourself with other things.

Just Be
2008-07-20 01:16:44 UTC
Yes, I'd say that you shop too much. Try to figure out why you have the need to buy "stuff" in order to feel happy. Spending thousands of dollars each month on things the fill you closet with (or impress your friends) isn't the answer.

Find out what truly makes you happy.
2008-07-19 21:33:10 UTC
lol ya that's a problem for a few grands a month. i love to shop like you but when i buy something i'm happy though!! don't give up shopping because that's something that we all need but try spending some of your time away from the mall. like go to starbucks or go hang out with ur friends someplace. help an old lady cross the street, lol jk =)
2008-07-20 20:14:26 UTC
Umm... that is a little crazy. If you dont have a job that pays well and are planning to move out on your own, then I suggest you get help. You should have your parents only let you spend so much each month. That way you learn to better spend your money and put it to better use instead of throwing it all away like that.
2008-07-20 10:42:22 UTC
i understand that you like to shop and thats fine occasionally but there is so much more you can do with that money and once you look into agencies that give the money to the poor in other countrys, you could start give a little at a time and then increase each month.

trust me. giving is the ture way for complete satisfaction!

Dont feel bad about it just move on and do the right thing from now on!
2008-07-20 03:24:44 UTC
lol this is a problem and it sounds just like my sister

growing up we didnt have alot of things and my mom wasn't home much because she was a single mom, and well when she was she would take us to the thrift store and stuff like that to make us happy.

but its basically you have a need and you think you need clothing no one can really stop you in tell you hit rock bottom like my sister she had to file for bankrupt and if you don't want this life then you should proble stop now also she did it only because she was trying to fill something up inside her that she never got as a child get a hold on it because your parent won't be there for ever to support you try doing something good with the money you do get. get involved but yes i know its hard but you really can't help this in tell you hit rock bottom because as long as you do get money you wont see that its not okay because what not okay with not getting what you want right? also find something that makes you truly happy that can help out alot like riding bike mountain climbing rock climbing or me for example reading Japaneses cartoon books also called manga it can be as something stupid and dumb as that but i love it and when i'm doing that i don't care about anything else find your passion it can even be swimming :) hope this helped
2008-07-19 23:39:11 UTC
Girl you've got a problem!? Has anything drastic happened to you that made you so upset that you went to the mall and bought a really cute outfit to make yourself more confident? That's what it is! You have a confidence problem! Girl, you are perfect the way you are, and try to lay off going shopping until you recover the money you have spent. Even then, limit yourself to buying only what you need, not everything you want!
2008-07-20 08:43:35 UTC
You should try to change your spending patterns. If you have not start working yet, you might not know how hard is it to earn. You are just spending away ur parents hard-earned money.

Instead of spending it anyhow which it doesn't even last you happy for long, save your money in the bank and do some charity.

Seek help from counselling or go to psychologist to for advice, it might work.
2008-07-19 22:12:56 UTC
im like that 2 but i dont spend a few grand a month i think u have a problem u need to cut down onn shopping cause that could help alot of ppl. just at least donate the cloths u dont wear
a s h l i e
2008-07-19 21:31:11 UTC
I think you have shopaholics syndrome. There is no reason to be spending a few grand a month to be happy for only a few minutes. Maybe you should try to fill out your day with things that make you feel worth something. I was like you until I started volunteering at the hospital and I started filling out my day with more than shopping. Good Luck.
2008-07-20 11:25:58 UTC
Don't worry, I get like that sometimes, too. But I don't spend that much. Try to seek happiness in another less expensive activity. I have learned to find other things to do that are fun, besides shopping, and now, I'm a lot happier. I hope you find something that brings you lasting happiness :]
2008-07-20 08:34:13 UTC
Shopping is not a problem as long as you make enough money to do it. Spend your money though, not the credit card/banks money. There is nothing wrong with shopping! If you have the money, do what you want with it! If your not happy doing it, then find something else to do that will make you happy!
2008-07-20 20:28:39 UTC
A few thousand a month is very excessive for anyone short of a Queen that has many functions to attend...So,I wonder what's missing in your life???It sounds like your using the high you get from shopping like some people use alcahol or drugs.Conseling would probably help you...
2008-07-20 18:57:45 UTC
yeah sorry to say but that is a problem to be shopping that much I mean if your going to not like it sooner or later you should know not to buy it its like all these things that come out for example there is the new I Phone lets say you buy it and then 1 month later a newer version comes out well you should say to your self first of all is it a want or a need and then second of all do i really need a new one does the other one still work if nto then buy it but if so keep it those are the things you should ask yourself Good luck
ohhhh love.
2008-07-20 16:18:39 UTC
I think this is a problem.

you shouldnt be getting happy then sad after you buy something and feel the need to buy more.

i was watching true life? or something on mtv this morning and it was about 2 girls that shopped compulsively and spent soooo much and went into debt.

you should try going to a therapist and talk it out or have someone hide your creditcards/money from you so you dont spend TOO much on clothing.

but i hope i helped.


ps. you could try going to platos closet or another store to sell your clothes.

you get money, and your not exaclty throwing away your clothes.

so you can earn your moeney bacck.
2008-07-20 13:47:09 UTC
I think it's ok. It's not really that good that you spend so much money on just clothes. Think about the people who hardly have enough money to get food. I would say limit yourself with a money budget like only spending $100 a month or only buying one new outfit a month.
2008-07-20 11:43:44 UTC
Shopping a lot is fine, but yeh, spending a few grand a month is crazy. Try to go to less expensive shops and only buy things that you REALLY like. Also try a budget.
2008-07-20 20:46:26 UTC
im like that too.

what happens to me is i usually get something (like a cell phone) and i think its lame for a while but after a couple of hours i go back on it and i wont get off it. i can never get a lot of things like you because my parents are not rich at all! if i were you, i would get a prepaid credit card or something and put a couple hundred on it and only spend that on fun items each month. your a teenager and every teenager loves to shop a lot. i dont think you are overthinking this, most teens cant spend a few thousand a month on things, at least i cant!
2008-07-20 20:19:31 UTC
i know what u are going through what i suggest is to just take your mind off shopping for a while find another hobby and then u can start earning money and start shopping again but not as much!! Remember:::SPEND YOUR MONEY WISELY!

Set a goal like each month and don't go over it. the best thing to do is get like $30-$40 under the goal.
2008-07-19 21:30:18 UTC
Yeah Im the same way.I have a few reasons why i think im like this.1)I was really spoiled when i was younger, my dad used to buy me everything since he felt bad that he couldnt spend time with me or 2) (which is the most common reason why ppl do this) There is an emptiness in your life and you depend upon material things to make you feel better, like say you lose a close try to make yourself feel better by buying things for yourself until you are satisfied. Also its kinda like ya know when you want something really bad for like ur birthday and u finally get it, a few months later you dont appreciate it as much or you dont even touch it.Money can by you happiness but the happiness doesnt last very long...hhaha i made that up myself i think its pretty good.But ya im the same way.
shorty pants
2008-07-20 20:29:53 UTC
yeah. you have a rather large problem on your hands.

you are addicted to stuff.

now, i know this is going to sound totally off topic, but, please bear with me :D

do you have a religion?

you're probably shopping so much because you don't feel like there's any purpose to your life - a lot of people do that - they feel like, if they dropped dead tomorrow, no one would really care. if you do feel "worthless," i want you to know that God loves you and has a purpose for you if you'll accept Him *gets off soapbox* not tryin' to write a sermon, but it's true!

try this: everytime you get the urge to shop/get depressed, get with a friend. go do something fun (other than shopping) like going to the park and feeding the ducks or going to the fair or even having a water balloon fight. something totally immature.

also, try "adopting" a child from peru. there are tons of charity orginazations out there that charge you about forty (or less) dollars a month (i'm sure you can afford that, since you're spending waaaaay more now) to clothe, educate, and feed the child. you can even send the kid stuff! so, if you catch yourself in a store, look for something to buy your little friend. and leave.

if you don't have the willpower to just leave, get a friend to go with you that will force you to leave (don't you love those kinds of friends?) work on it until you can make yourself leave.

yes. you do have a problem, but, sadly, so do thousands of other american teens. the stuff i suggested is not only to get your mind off your possessions, but to get you involved with friends, family, and the community. that's what's really healthy for a teen to be doing. :D

a system that always works for me: whenever i get the urge to shop and i know that i don't really need anything, i open my closet and lay all my shirts out on the floor. i try each one on and scrutinize. if i don't like the way i look in it anymore, i give it away or make it into something new. then, i move onto pants, etc. usually, there are tons of clothes that i've forgotten about and so, to me at least, it's like a free shopping trip!

something else that's really fun to do: have a clothes trading party with your friends (preferably, the ones that are about your size in clothing) have them bring a bag full of clothes that they don't really want anymore and trade with them. if you get a lot of people to come, it's a blast because there are tons of cloths for you to "shop" through and everyone wins (even your parents' checking account)

hope you overcome this! i know you can :D
2008-07-20 15:58:38 UTC
well i think that going shopping regularly is healthy but spending over a grad a month or what ever is way to much. maybe dont buy so much when you go shopping. just get a few small things every now and then instead
Andrew L
2008-07-20 09:36:04 UTC
I do not spend a a grand a mounth but I like to look good and get shoes that go with clothes. Just go with what u have for a while u sound hot anyway.
2008-07-20 07:43:02 UTC
i read about this somewhere..i dont mean to scare u but it's actually a real problem.. people that get almost sort of high from shopping..they shop for comfort when they're feeling distressed or just for the feeling they get right after shopping which fades always really quickly and then they have to shop only advice seek professional help..i'm certain u'll get better if u seek therapy.

2008-07-20 17:29:23 UTC
You should try to cut back on the shopping by getting distracted by something else, like sports, hanging out with friends, and maybe even a guy.
2008-07-20 16:41:13 UTC
are you like realy spoiled???

cuz i can't believe your parents would like you spend that much!!!

thats like what...24 thousand a year!

holy crap do you know how many people you could have fed?!?!?!?!?!

you have a HUGE problem

ur gonna be broke when you grow up

try getting some help or cutting back a little each month, maybe don't buy things that are not on sale unless you REALLY REALLY need it like you already have 7 pairs of bootcut jeans yet you see another adorable pair, omg it's 120 bucks, wait for it to go on sale geez
Jenna P
2008-07-20 09:29:17 UTC
I don't think the shopping part is a problem.

I think that something deeper has made you want to indulge in treasures such as clothes.

Maybe your parents had divorced when you were younger?

Maybe someone close had died?

I think it's more psychological and has nothing to do with actual shopping, but you're feelings when you shop.
2008-07-20 05:55:59 UTC are a shopoholic. If you have the money to spend it wont effect you in that way but It could lead to depression because you are looking for happiness in material goods that cant make you happy. There are actually support groups for people who have this situation, I would at least check one out online.

Good luck! There are much worse problems you could have then this...

2008-07-20 00:57:29 UTC
I think you have a spending problem..a few grand a month is a LOT. Don't listen to the first answer given..about how many people that could feed..what you do with your money is YOUR business, and besides, you are feeding people by helping the economy. BUT..a few grand a month is an awfull lot!!
2008-07-20 06:26:07 UTC
where do you get that kind of money? and you might have a little bit of a problem but if you think it's embarassing thats a little odd but maybe you should ask your parents to put some of your money in a bank account so that you can't spend it all and have them let you have like $200 a month for shopping and go shopping in moderation so that that doesn't happen

hope i helped :D

answer mine please
2008-07-20 13:30:18 UTC
Im really the same way. I think whoever is telling u that u have a problem is most likely mad they can't shop the way u do..but im trying to wrk on it well..I need to buy things that I know is easy to combine with things that I wear..its ur money ..why not
2008-07-20 07:11:59 UTC
Ok i have a question for you...Um dont reply but how much money do you have to spend and thats the first question okay now ask yourself do i want this or do i just want this because its somthing i dont have or because i have money money to spend? No if you ask yourself these things and maybe cut down on shoping then maybe you wont have a problem
rachhhel <3
2008-07-20 16:58:05 UTC
I think you might need to cut your spending down a little bit because there are things we might want we just might not be able to have them as soon as we'd like. Try and be happy with what you've got, even though it is hard to really put it in perspective.
michelle e
2008-07-20 15:38:46 UTC
Hmm you probably just does not get satisfied that much on things that you buy afterwards and I do used to have that problem. However, I did not used to spend that much on shopping.

You probably have high expectation on products that you buy and could end up disappointed when you actually use it.

If it does get worst, you probably do have obsessive compulsive disorder for shopping.
2008-07-20 12:55:12 UTC
I would fast shopping for one month. Instead volunteer at some organizations that would give you insight on a different way of life. I just volunteered at a homeless organization and it truly left me seeing things in a new way. I plan to go back weekly.
2008-07-20 12:10:38 UTC
thats really ironic, being that i just watched TRUE LIFE: "im a conpulsive shopper"


it makes sense for someone two spend thousands a month if they are living by themselves, paying bills etc., but if you live with your parents, then i cant see why you are spending that much on clothes or maybe other stuff that is unnescessary. if your 17 where do you even get that much money? seriously, go on YouTube and look up "true life: im a compulsive shopper". you may think its rediculous, but watch it and see if they remind you of yourself. it might help?
2008-07-20 10:21:28 UTC
i am not exactly like you .. but i spend a lot in a few months . i think that you just like shopping so much that you just cant stop for a while . maybe you should get items similar to the ones you buy .. just in cheaper prices . if you dont like the stuff you have .. you could sell it OR return it .
2008-07-20 18:58:32 UTC
i have the same problem. and the way i get to stop sometimes is think hard if i'll need it in the furture. almost everyone has this problem. dont let this situation get to you and next time you shop tell a friend to hold onto your wallet so that you will not buy anything not useful
2008-07-20 12:27:28 UTC
Sounds to me like some is too used to getting what she wants. You could feed alot of people with a "few GRAND A MONTH" :)
Chris Brown Lover :) <3 :)
2008-07-20 08:35:52 UTC
you have a slight problem... lol. people would hav 2 help you for you to get over it. its not really 2 normal at 17 2 spend a few grands a MONTH!!!
2008-07-20 19:23:22 UTC
holy crap thts a lot of money try putting ur self on a budget, try it on in the dressing room if u think it needs something to suit it better try looking at a outlet store... same clothing but cheaper.....this way you only spend a few hundred or less a month
2008-07-20 18:25:17 UTC
I'd put aside a certain amount, and then I wouldnt go over that.....also you can give away your old clothes to the poor houses......a good amount would be 50 a month for clothes. that's enough to get a couple shirts, maybe a cute dress, or some jeans and a shirt.
2008-07-20 12:17:03 UTC
Yes I think you do...

Retail therapy can be good for us girls sometimes.. But not to such an extent...

It is nice to wear new clothes, and look pretty, cause you are young now..

There will come a point in your life (hopefully), all this will seem vain and futile... There are so many better things to use that money for...
2008-07-20 11:02:41 UTC
i like shopping too, but i know how to limit myself. try thinking before you buy: can i live without this? and try to set a goal o how much you can spend a month on shopping. i say max for your age: a few hundred around 500
2008-07-20 08:35:35 UTC
I'm not gonna sit here and tell you about all the 3rd world countries you can feed with your money. Cause frankly, it's rude and really annoying.

But you do have a little spending habit, but it's easily reversable. just take things in stride.
2008-07-20 08:07:58 UTC
Who is paying the bills for all that stuff? You could be just a little out of control!

Before you buy something new, do you ever look in your closet and try to mix and match pieces to create a totally new look?
2008-07-20 15:12:09 UTC
Dont worry i am told i shop too much too but holy **** a few grands a month?! hell yeah you have a problem
2008-07-20 13:32:35 UTC
well...its called shopoholism...its so not ur fault u got everything u wanted as a kid and that became a issue. a few grands is a lot to spend a month..go to therapy cuz l8r on it'll affect u bad and u rather stop might be hard but l8r u'll be glad...hope it stops...good luck.
2008-07-20 12:58:32 UTC
I can't sympathize with you. Sounds like you're spoiled. Maybe you should try giving instead of receiving since obvioulsy not truly happy getting these things. Don't complain later on in life if you find yourself financially strapped.
2008-07-20 02:06:45 UTC
You could be a shopaholic. The high is buying the new thing instead of a drug or alcohol. You should seek help if you think you have a problem, because it will only get worse.
2008-07-20 17:03:05 UTC
sounds like ur addicted. I would say jsut find someone who can hold u accountable and help u break this thing it's like any addiction I once had a well this may sound silly but an addiction to dress like a princess and wiht some help I fought it and now IM better it takes time but trust me it's worth it.
2008-07-20 10:28:39 UTC
yes you do have a bit of a problem, but you can fix this. what you need to do is sit down and figure out a budgett for yourself. you need to figure out what is it that you need vs what you want. yes every girl wants a pony but she doesn't need a pony.

when i am shopping, i ask myself if i really need the 400$ purse.

you could also try to find a different hobby to be obbssed with. like mabye you could focus on helping others instead of going to the mall to shopp. or you could find a sport to do or go out to lunch with some friends.

if none of things help, i would suggest that you get a theropist to talk to, and they can really help you unnderstand your actions.

goo luck!
2008-07-20 03:11:16 UTC
Wow!!!! U r so lucky, where do u get a few grand from? U must be really rich. My parents don't even give me $5 a month.
2008-07-20 12:05:59 UTC
Yes justified shopping is encouraged, but try to give more in charity as helping a human has far more heart and soul peace.
2008-07-20 07:49:47 UTC
the thing is, are you ever going to get around to wearing or using all of your purchases? granted, shopping is good therapy, but try other things to make you happy. if you spend all your time shopping, you could be missing out on other things in life.
2008-07-20 02:00:40 UTC
I wouldn't call it necessarily a problem. It's ok to be preoccopied with your looks. It's clothes you shop for, right?

I buy lots of ear-rings, I pass by a shop on my way to work and on my way home from work and very often I buy something from there, lol.

Maybe I have a problem myself?

Lately I've been renewing my wardrobe so I shopped a lot.

Pls answer my question:
2008-07-20 14:10:22 UTC
you may very likely have a problem. There was this episode of Dr. Phil once where a lady had the exact same problem I think and he gave her help... there is usually something else bigger behind the problem you may or may not realize that you need help with.
Sar Bear
2008-07-20 14:03:43 UTC
haha i dont think its a problem, Im 13 and I have the same problem I am NEVER happy with what I have. I made my dads credit card be declined two months ago, my dad got soooooo mad. yet nobody else seems to find this weird. so i dont think its a problem =)
2008-07-20 11:57:11 UTC
Maybe you should talk to a psychiatrist. And every time you buy something think of the people who don't have any clothes or shoes or even a bed. DOnate that money to unisef or another charity of your choice.
2008-07-20 07:02:38 UTC
id say get a parent to limit you and only give you about 100 dollars a month so you aren't wasting all that money on yourself when you could be helping with charity drives and other things that could save people's lives and not just make you look more updated
2008-07-20 21:04:35 UTC
it will only be a problem if you dont do anything with the things you have left over....and it would be a problem if you cant afford the things that you get.....which means things like charging all of it on a credit card or that your parents have to pay i kinda is a will be a real problem if you keep doing it when your in your 50s to 70s...hope that i helped....*_*
2008-07-20 19:53:01 UTC
haha im the same!!!

im guessing you have the same problem i do and just get over your clothes as soon as you wear them once

try swapping clothes with your friends

that way you wont have to buy new clothes you can just borrow someone elses

makes for a good excuse to have a girls night once a week to swap clothes too

2008-07-20 18:21:16 UTC
this is for sure a problem. a few grand is a lot to be spending a month on clothes. you should look for help. :)
2008-07-20 16:18:58 UTC
Yeah you have a problem!! Just get some help. A few grande is WAY TOO MUCH!!!!!
2008-07-20 14:01:49 UTC
your problem is that you have time to waste on shoping for stuff that you may not need you should use your free time in a hobby or some thing usefull you should thank god for having time to waste and start doing things that makes you happy buying stuff doesnt make you happy it just fells your day good luck (nice we are in the same age :D)
2008-07-20 11:55:55 UTC
17? then yes, you do have a problem.

I think it's because you buy anything you think looks nice. I know it sounds corny but before buying something, you have to treat it like you're going to have a relationship with it. You have to think of the good, the bad and the length of when you're wearing it. Don't just buy anuthing at first impression, you have to think over every little detail.

2008-07-19 23:53:22 UTC
big problem.. few grand a month! wow.. I spend maybe a hundred dollars a month on clothes... maybe not even..

I do spend a lot on tanning lotions, STer's, and moisturizers though.. not still. not a grand!
Rita A
2008-07-20 20:51:46 UTC
Its ok to shop, its what girls do. Your situation, however, is a slim problem. If the clothes are most likely brand name, take them to your local PLATO'S CLOSET. There, they PAY you for your generousity. If you go through clothes that easily, I'm sure you will make up your lost money !! =)
2008-07-20 20:15:07 UTC
what you really should do is just have basic clothes and a few pieces that you really like (like a sweater that can be worn with like anything) and you should just layer and mix and match every once in awhile. you can make some really cute outfits. i can imagine your closet, it would be perfect if you're spending thousands of dollars.

you need to cut back. and clothes you really hate you should donate to salvation army or goodwill or sell to plato's closet.
2008-07-20 06:05:44 UTC
im a bit younger and i spend 1 grand a month including food well some

i get a lot of juicy true religons and sevenssss
2008-07-20 18:45:58 UTC
that is a big problem you have. one of the greatest things you should learn is that money isn't the thing that makes you happy. all you need is enough to live a good life and that's it. Don't let money shape your life and don't disguise who you really are with all the clothes you buy.
2008-07-20 11:32:42 UTC
ok the shopping part where u always wnt somethign ne ya me to put the few grand isssssss way to much just feel for ur parents how theyre spending that much money for u cuz they want u to be happy money doesnt buy happiness but clothes do wich is almost the same thing lol answr mine plz
2008-07-20 10:49:32 UTC


oh i know!!! become a budhist! or have budhist ideas- you've reached complete happiness once you dont want anything

and its true

i have a problem like that but not quite as big.

cuz i never have enough money to buy what i want so im just like whatever- ill go do an art project now

lol- good luck
Leila Diamond
2008-07-20 13:25:33 UTC
yes it is a problem. You need to find things besides material goods that make you happy. I know people like you. When you're on your own you won't be able to manage money and it will be a rude wakeup call. you need to be saving money, right now you're wasting it.

sorry, but finding joy in only material things is really shallow.

you need to find other things to make you happy in life.
2008-07-20 11:11:36 UTC
you are probly a shopaholic (and yes there is such a thing). you spend and spend and spend and dont know when to stop.

my best friend is like that. she has clothes in her closet that still have the tags on them and she bought them at christmas.

if you have ur own credit card or debit card or w.e u'll probly have to set a budget for yourself and get someone to help you to keep it.

hope this helps :)
2008-07-20 07:08:56 UTC
You don't have a problem. It's just that your what they call a "shopaholic" Believe I'm one 2 but all you got to do is shop less than you do like maybe Saturdays and Fridays.
2008-07-20 06:34:23 UTC
yeah i think u need to seek advice on this.

i went through a stage and it passed, i think it was because i was trying to full a hole caused by a bad break up. i always change my image as im self conciense. I had counciling and i no longer over spend
2008-07-20 01:14:43 UTC
i'm the same and trust me it's a problem ..we are trying to fill a void of some sort. Mine is my family ..i moved to the other side of the world for my husband and find myself shopping sooo much lately. I've always been bad with shopping but worse now ...are your parents divorced?? do you feel empty??
☆azure rain☆
2008-07-20 03:21:43 UTC
Yes that is a problem.I had a time when I used to be like that.You should just try to find other fun things to do instead of shopping.Then you will get better again.
2008-07-20 03:07:13 UTC
You have a problem and where do you get all that money? Your parents because I can't believe they would spend that much on you.
Rachel B
2008-07-19 23:26:45 UTC
yea i think so....i think after you buy something you should be happy. im not trying to be mean but you should try going to a therapist because thats a lot of money and if not know then when your older your gunna have real money problems. good luck :)
2008-07-19 22:06:43 UTC
yeah, i definetly think you are a shopping addict

a few grand is way too much to spend on clothes
2008-07-20 19:23:51 UTC
What a waste of money. You should give some clothes to the salvation army er something.
2008-07-20 16:27:31 UTC
ya you kinda do have a problem cuzz unlike u people shop about 1 time a month and they are happy with it
♥ Steff ♥
2008-07-20 14:37:57 UTC
you could never shop too much....... i shop alot too and i'm 17. I don't spend a grand a month but I do shop alot.

2008-07-20 15:43:27 UTC
ya u have a problem and ur over thinking it too. u need to find something else to entertain u like a sport or hobbie
2008-07-20 13:20:12 UTC
think about what u buy before u buy it. u seem really spoiled. try using ur money and energy to help others who need the money more than u. it will make u feel better about ur "problem", make some one else feel good, and u wont feel guilty about spending ur money.
2008-07-20 08:01:13 UTC
Not really a problem. That's what you do, that's how you are. But you should think about the stuff your buying, "hmmm would this last me for at least a week"? If no buy something else.
2008-07-20 07:01:43 UTC
It is an OCD an addiction shopaholic may sound funny, but it is really an issue. Talk to someone or research ways to curb your spending.
2008-07-20 02:36:48 UTC
wanting something is not a problem, but going over limit is. Just try to be happy with what you have.
2008-07-20 19:09:00 UTC
like totally not im mean if anyone has a problem with that who cares shopping is for rich girly girls whp hate sports shopping is my sport i mean if you have the money spend it dont be offended by people like people always tell me that im a rich stupid blonde that loves paris hilton i dont get offended
2008-07-20 18:26:25 UTC
ur a shopaholic but i think its normal. Alotta girls are like that. My sister for example; no more than 3 days and she has to go back to the mall for something she claims is very important. (usually turns out to be a piece of make-up or clothes or something.)
Brianna N
2008-07-20 18:19:34 UTC
umm yeah i think thats considered a problem! i was watchin true life today and there were these 2 girls that were the exact same way, the have a theripy thing you can go to!
2008-07-20 13:19:40 UTC
im sorry but if i was rich, i would be the same way too. i wish i could spend even $100 dollars a month on clothes.
2008-07-20 12:18:04 UTC
wow thats crazy you have a problem i love to shop but spending that much is insane ! try to cut down !
2008-07-19 22:23:10 UTC
make ur own money to spend and then see how much of an impact that "few grand" a month makes
2008-07-20 20:14:36 UTC
no u r not overthinking this i used to du that tu my problem was i was just to spoiled myself!

so wat i did is i put part of mt money into my bank account every week and i never touched it unless i needed it for emergencys or to like pay rent and stuff

if i ever had the feeling i needed sumthing cuz i wanted to treet myself cuz i didnt buy anything i didnt need i took sum money from the bank account.......watever i took out i always made sure to replace it and another 5$


best wishes =]
Chelsey B
2008-07-20 14:42:31 UTC
wow, well just think bout if u really need this??

befor i get anyting i think....

1.) do i have anyting like this?

2.) how many tinme could i use this in a week?

3.) wut are soem good things that will come out of this/

if you can say yes to any of them really think. do i really want this?? mmk. also give your self a limit. like i will buy 3 things today. or even 1!!!! also the sale stuff is good too!!!!! :P hope i helped!!!!!
2008-07-20 12:38:25 UTC
haha yeah i know what you mean. just try to keep your shopping limited. i love to shop but geez i deffinately dont spend that much! you shouldnt be buying that much even though you really like it...unless you have that kind of money and you can afford it easily.

hope i helped [=
2008-07-20 12:10:30 UTC
where do you get this money? im watching a show that sounds like you should be on ..."true life im a cumpolsive shopper" thats just rediculous. if your parents give you this money then you are wayyyy too spoiled. but if you make it on ur own, thats your deal. but i highly doubt you make it on ur own. donate half that money to charity every month to PEOPLE WHO HAVE NOTHING.
karen h
2008-07-20 09:57:15 UTC
Its too much money to spend in a month.
2008-07-20 08:35:56 UTC
I think that you need to cut back! Just try to restrain from continuous shopping. Start slowly.

Good Luck!
2008-07-20 07:22:44 UTC
well thats gonna end up being 12,000$ a year and if your budget allows this Then its no problem but you kno eventually you'll just be building up more debt and might want to cnsider getting some help.

Hope I helped
jenna supreme
2008-07-19 21:37:25 UTC
i have this problem. but there is a cure instead of buying senseless things go out and buy things you need like books furniture for your dorm household items you get the same rush you are just taking care of business as well
2014-10-02 12:40:48 UTC
2014-10-02 12:30:04 UTC
all freaky and everything, but really, stop buying expensive clothes, kids, especially if you know that you don't need it and won't be happy with it in a couple of wears.

2014-09-02 20:30:06 UTC
just the way you're!!!!
2014-07-15 16:24:53 UTC
There is an emptiness in your life and you depend upon material things to make you feel better, like say you lose a close try to make yourself feel better by buying things for yourself until you are satisfied. Also its kinda like ya know when you want something really bad for like ur birthday and u finally get it, a few months later you dont appreciate it as much or you dont even touch it.Money can by you happiness but the happiness doesnt last very long...hhaha i made that up myself i think its pretty good.But ya im the same way.
2008-07-20 12:31:42 UTC
Go to

Learn about it! Save that few grand each month and donate it to children in Uganda that really need it. You wont feel unhappy anymore because you know you are really helping something great! :)

Please feel free to talk to me about it at

2008-07-20 16:36:34 UTC
You sound a little depressed to me, cause I did the same thing. Maybe, go to the doctors and see what he says about it. It helped me.
2008-07-19 21:31:40 UTC
You have a shopping addiction. That's all. I would go and try to get help. You won't always have money to buy that much stuff!
simply m
2008-07-19 21:30:22 UTC
you have a problem. you are not happy because you don't know the true meaning of happiness. you think that material thinks can make you happy but you are wrong. your family, friends, boyfriend and the people who love you can make you happy. you just don't realize that for now. cherish the moments with your love ones and from that, you can find the true meaning of happiness.
Kristin bby (:
2008-07-19 21:29:09 UTC
a few grand a month is kinda outrageous for a 17 year old you could buy a new car or a house with that just try to cut it down a bit. i thought i was addicted to shopping lol i would love to spend that a month ! (:
2008-07-20 05:39:32 UTC
wait until you get older and you have way more things in life to worry about like bills and car repairs then you will wish you didnt spent all the money
Twilight :)
2008-07-20 19:02:22 UTC
well no you can go on a budget and when you feel like your not happy just think of all the kids who cant eat or dont have shelter .
2008-07-20 18:28:21 UTC
No matter how much I love my stuff, I crave new stuff. Cause it's more fun. It's natural, at least to me. Just try & tone it down hun. Good luck.
2008-07-20 15:02:09 UTC
dude you need some help...if i were you, you should keep your money in a bank and limit yourself to spend only 10-15 bucks a week. or have your parents take away your money.
2008-07-20 11:54:57 UTC
umm yes u do have a problem

instead of spending off thie money on clothes or w.e it is ur spending it on; save it up for future,give to charity,ect..

that is just CRAZY and only for a 17yr old to be spending money like this.

u need to get a hold of yourself. what kind of job do your parents have to be letting you spend money like its nothing. even if i had that kind of money, i wouldnt be spending it around like that.!!!
2008-07-20 11:36:22 UTC
well, i don't really have that felling even thought i shop like almost everyday. but then that doesn't mean that i buy things everytime when i shop. sometimes i just buy little things, but sometime i bought like few bags. for a few bags i mean at least 7 up. it is ok to have that felling, but then u have to control yourself.
2008-07-20 10:38:47 UTC
yeah its a bit of a problem...i dont really know what could help...maybe if you got a friend to be your "shopping buddy" so whenever you go shopping you take them and they tell you NOT to buy it unless you need it etc.

2008-07-20 19:01:50 UTC
haha i have the same problem just i don't have that much money to spend i think you should watch it because my grandmother developed a problem where she had to buy everything she saw it wasn't good.
2008-07-20 18:53:27 UTC
everyone gets that feeling to a certain extent. i guess it depends on how much you actually spend on shopping and how often you go.
2008-07-20 12:28:26 UTC

$4,000 ("a few grand") x 12 = $48,000 a year!!!! DO YOU KNOW HOW MANY MOUTHS YOU COULD FEED?! How many familys you could clothe or shelter????

2008-07-19 21:53:54 UTC
It's a compulsive disorder and you seriously need to get professional medical/psychological help as soon as possible.
2008-07-20 19:45:47 UTC
Wow thats bad, you better stop now or you will never learn to save money when your older
2008-07-20 18:41:03 UTC
you are a compulsive shopper.

is there something that happened when you were younger and you never really got over?

that might be the trigger.

no you are not over thinking anything.
2008-07-20 13:09:26 UTC
I used to have similar problems, but then my parents stopped allowing me to go to the mall so much.. i think your a shopaholic :D!
2008-07-20 12:21:15 UTC
You're an addict!

That's called compulsive shopping and spending.
2008-07-20 08:57:16 UTC
puh-lease you do nawt have a problem. i shop all the time and spend tons of money but thats fine with me and my parents. if u dont shop for new stuff youll be a re-wearer. plus things go out of style. so you absolutely have no problem.
2008-07-20 03:29:40 UTC
its a problem, it is quite evident you are spoiled. But that dosen't mean you can not change that character flaw. Good Luck in trying to change that flaw~ best of luck
2008-07-20 20:18:37 UTC
sounds like you are a compulsive shopper. This will cause problems when you get married, unless you marry a rich man.

If this continues, i would seek help with a therapist
2008-07-20 13:03:43 UTC
you're just spoiled. get a life instead of shopping. ur being selfish. there are dying people all over the world who need that money more than you and your closet do.
Beachbum =]
2008-07-20 18:34:37 UTC
i was just watching a episode on mtv about this.

"shoppaholics' who are in debt, and the only way

they got help was to see a therepist.

i was one of those true life episodes.
misshelper :)
2008-07-20 04:33:35 UTC
i thin you mite, try an enjoy what you got for a while. or try and do somethin nice for someone else. like idk volunteer for a good cause.

i think you are very fortunate to have so much money to spend on urself. u are VERY lucky girl. i think you mite like to make someone else feel lucky too ya know?? thats what i wud do, but i shop at walmart so idk but i like othersto be happy :)
Couture Barbie
2008-07-20 16:18:08 UTC
Sweetie, you have a huge problem...... you could talk about it and tell some one to hold your money or something lyk dat..... and dont obsess to much about clothing.
2008-07-20 14:03:09 UTC
Usually if a person even thinks they might have a problem-they do.
2008-07-20 19:29:59 UTC
don't listen to what people say...if you feel like you have a problem then maybe you should try to fix it but if you really don't think that you do then keep doing whatcha doing hunny!!!! <33
2008-07-20 13:54:15 UTC
look beyond the obvious, perhaps theres some void you keep trying to fill with material things
2008-07-20 12:43:03 UTC
that is definitely a problem. How could you spend that much and be so young?
2008-07-19 22:00:34 UTC
finally someone who feels the same exact way as me!! but i don't spend as much money as you though. i think it's a problem because your wasting lots of money on clothes you don't even need. but i understand its hard because i don't feel satisfied if i don't shop. but PLEASE try to cut down on it. =)
2008-07-20 15:33:13 UTC
yeah. you definately have a problem. You sound like a spoiled brat who will only be happy when she has EVERYTHING she wants. And apparently... you do fit the description!
2008-07-20 10:57:34 UTC
You could be feeding the hungry! Or donating to charities! (seriously)

I think it's time for you to sto pbeing selfish and think about others!
2008-07-20 03:33:54 UTC
a few grand a month! god lmao thats crazyy theres so many africans starving lol im nothing like that your one of those rich white kids arnt you? lol I LABLE YUH PARIS HILTONagg
2008-07-20 18:06:04 UTC
Honey, I wouldent say it is a problem, I would say it is a habbit. When ever you get something you should be grateful that you even got it!
2008-07-20 14:39:46 UTC
yes u do haev a little problem and u can seek help from therapist , doctors, etc ( shopaholic ness)
2008-07-20 19:50:29 UTC
how about instead of buying yourself things donate to the Invisable Children. Trust me, if this doesn't help you feel better, you will need serious help.
2008-07-20 12:48:53 UTC
that money can go to saving people. seriously. get help. you're not helping those starving kids around the world.
2008-07-20 04:12:44 UTC
yes you do have a problem instead of spending your money on clothes you can spend it on me
2008-07-20 03:48:08 UTC
well u are actually wasting ur money which is becoming your habit.I hope you can try changinng it by thinking of those poo people when u are considering to buy something.

Be contented is all i can say
2008-07-19 21:31:55 UTC
sounds like your trying to find happiness ...... and your not going to find it by buying things. You need to find something that makes you happy really happy not something temporary.
2008-07-20 20:48:15 UTC
i spend a few grand a week---

i thinkk you are over looking this----one question are you spending ur money or ur parentss---

btw my parents got me a unlimited credit card--- they dont care how much i spend
2008-07-20 18:41:06 UTC
Think about what the first answerer said.

And yes, you have a problem.
natalie s
2008-07-20 14:27:16 UTC
no you don't have a problem have you ever seen the movies where people shop like crazy......thats you.
2008-07-20 11:16:37 UTC
This sounds like attention-getting BS.
2008-07-20 08:40:34 UTC
I'm the same way!I'm trying to cut down but i use my own money just pass Ur fave stores in the mall and walk into new ones (less expensive)And hope 4 the best ;)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))
2008-07-20 20:32:33 UTC
ya its a problem.kinda like gamebaling girls are supposed to like to shop.youdont need to spend that much money though
full of regret
2008-07-20 20:45:00 UTC
just goes to show that money can't buy happiness, cuz you're never satisfied! it's called GREED; and it's a bottomless pit!

get out now!
2008-07-20 17:45:21 UTC
i have the same problem i always have an erge to spend but yes you do have a problem.
2008-07-20 18:54:18 UTC
You DEFINITELY have a problem. You should go see Dr. Phil,

he'll help you out.
2008-07-20 17:08:15 UTC
i hate you. well i'm just jealous that you get to take shopping for granted when so many of us are poor.
2008-07-20 06:08:35 UTC
No, I do the same thing. It's not a problem, a lot of people are like that.
2008-07-19 21:28:28 UTC
i get that feeling too!

i get something new, and i'm so happy until i wear it once or twice and then i need more new stuff to get that same feeling because wearing new clothes gives me confidence for some weird reason.

a few grand is way too much money to spend on clothes. i think that is definitely a problem. you need to place your happiness and contentment some where else besides clothes. maybe try a hobby or something. that way you will be too busy to go shopping!
2008-07-20 17:30:53 UTC
i guess if you have the money, then its not too much of a promblem. try spending money and donating it. it will make you feel better =]

answer mine please:
2008-07-20 17:31:03 UTC
Turn to MTV right now..yur TRUE LIFE episode is on.
2008-07-20 15:11:44 UTC
Its not a problem, your just spoiled.

And, you know you can get what you want.

So... you complain, or beg till you get it.
2008-07-20 10:32:44 UTC
i think that you should judt try not to go shopping. its going to be hard but you will have to do it sometime!!! donate oyur time to something else that will still make you feel good
2008-07-20 16:50:12 UTC
you have a huuge problem!! go see a spychologist... no one should be THAT addicted to shopping... like i luv to shop, but i don't live on it.

2008-07-19 22:56:36 UTC
Yes, that's a problem . THAT IS A LOT OF MONEY!!!

Dude, seek help.

Can someone give me some pointers, too, please??
2008-07-20 20:48:08 UTC
o wow and i tot i had a problem howd u get this was u have a big big problem
2008-07-19 21:36:43 UTC
Go to therapy, things will get better.
2008-07-20 13:26:42 UTC
you should go to a therapist. please be good to your family and yourself go to a don't want to be broke and unhappy do you? this is good advice i'm giving you. i'm not being mean or rude at all.
2008-07-20 07:57:49 UTC
You really have a problem
2008-07-20 10:20:41 UTC
wow. the only words that are going through my mind right now are "spoiled" and "brat".
2008-07-20 20:02:09 UTC
it's because your over thinking it

if you didn't think about it so much

maybe you wouldn't do that.

just keep yourself busy.
tea <3
2008-07-19 22:24:58 UTC
you just don't know how easy you have it with money that you go crazy. save up for what's necessary
2008-07-20 19:54:24 UTC
nope this sounds borderline obsessive
2008-07-20 08:07:46 UTC
I get like that too sometimes! I think it's normal. :)
2008-07-19 23:19:14 UTC
you have a whole your trying to fill and you will never be able to fill it in tell you fill it with Jesus ask him to fill that whole and come in to your heart and when you do email me and ill tell you more. blessings
2008-07-20 15:24:49 UTC
shopping "covers" other needs that you may have..!

try to find them .... Run!
2008-07-19 21:28:35 UTC
yeah, i think you're a bit of a shopping addict. try to control your budget a little, and then maybe you won't go shopping too much.
Achilleas P
2008-07-20 13:12:56 UTC
I do this all day every day! And i love it!
2008-07-20 16:20:20 UTC
hell no!

shopping is a gift and if you are a shopaholic thats awesome!!

i am:-)
2008-07-20 13:28:53 UTC
your a shopaholic. go cold turkey.
2008-07-19 21:48:46 UTC
wow ya you do hae a problem sweety! dang are you putting your parents in debit?
2008-07-20 12:02:31 UTC
hahahh wow you sound exactly like me. im 13 and i spend wayyy to much. it all started when i got my debit card... its my baby (: and i just buy buy buy buy buy buy buy buy (:
2008-07-20 00:48:22 UTC
That doesn't sound normal
2008-07-20 09:00:51 UTC
well yea but i have the same thing
2008-07-20 13:35:59 UTC
you have a fatal illness
2008-07-20 10:46:10 UTC
i think your a little obsessed.
cheese toast
2008-07-20 07:56:17 UTC
Its not a problem
2008-07-20 17:54:59 UTC
Nope I think its fine!!!

Cause I do it also!
2008-07-20 18:32:00 UTC
you need help
2008-07-20 11:14:35 UTC
yes you do
Kerri K
2008-07-20 10:54:25 UTC
i'm the same way, and i love it!

if you have it... spend it!
Poke My K.unt
2008-07-20 01:04:03 UTC
You are a spoilled little bi.ttch dumb a$$ help some people stupid
2008-07-20 20:49:02 UTC
Yeah, I think you do.
2008-07-20 20:47:49 UTC
if you have to ask yes
2008-07-20 12:12:10 UTC
youre a shopaholic ...
Jamie B
2008-07-19 23:21:51 UTC
well i get that too
Nicole Hanna
2008-07-19 22:08:24 UTC
you have somewhat of a problem. i have that problem too.. lol.
2008-07-20 13:46:35 UTC
you have a problem
2008-07-20 11:51:53 UTC
You do have a problem!!!
2008-07-20 11:05:01 UTC
yea, you do have a problem
2008-07-20 04:45:05 UTC
i do the same thing.
2008-07-19 21:29:33 UTC
you never can buy anything that will make you happy. Well at least thats what my parents told me.
2008-07-20 18:23:56 UTC
its normal.

nothing to worry about.
2008-07-19 21:32:07 UTC
give your clothes to charity.
2008-07-20 11:20:20 UTC
wow thats crazy..i dont think thers anythin wrong with wanting new stuff-nd if it makes u happy then do wat u want =]
2008-07-20 07:27:59 UTC
2008-07-19 22:03:17 UTC
When you stop buying clothes and start buying crack you'll have a problem.
2008-07-20 18:41:46 UTC
yess, it is. be happy.
2008-07-20 15:49:36 UTC
shoping alot is not a problem i kind of think it is a hobbey!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
2008-07-20 13:58:23 UTC
i do that too!
2008-07-19 21:32:40 UTC
2008-07-20 20:49:36 UTC
god... stop doing that girl...
2008-07-19 21:27:48 UTC
you have a problem. seek help
2008-07-20 11:49:24 UTC
you might.....
2008-07-19 22:47:57 UTC
who cares....
A & F lover
2008-07-19 21:31:38 UTC
no it's not a problem!! im the same way, not exactly a 1000 a month but... and always wanting somehting isnt bad either and its not a problem. you just want everything if u can have it! again im the same way
2008-07-19 21:27:26 UTC
Do you have any idea of many people you can feed?

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.