How to Start Your First Fashion Blog
By Kelsey Nguyen, 17-year-old fashion blogger
The Man Repeller. Natalie Off Duty. Style Rookie. BryanBoy. Do any of these names ring a bell? A realm where the words 'Alexander McQueen' invite collective swoons and copies of Vogue are hungrily consumed, the fashion industry is infinite in its possibilities. A decade ago, the term "fashion blogger" was virtually nonexistent. However, with the rising popularity of social media and increasing dependence on online technology, a new world of fashion blogging has entered the runway.
The most beautiful aspect of the fashion blogging empire is that anyone has the ability to create their first fashion blog. The second most enticing feature? The opportunity to nurture a personal fashion blog into a career. Third? A fashion blog can be personalized to reflect the blogger's own individualistic style. Fashion bloggers derive from various places around the globe and post diverse content. Interested in the mélange of fashion, writing and photography? It is time to create your first fashion blog!
Step 1: Choosing A Name. The esoteric names showcased at the beginning of this article may seem foreign to you at first. Repeller? Rookie? These are merely the names of fashion blogs (famous ones, that is). Just as a new set of parents embarks on a mission to name their future child, choosing a name for your first fashion blog is a significant part of your blogging career. With a vast number of fashion blogs online, this task may appear daunting and provoke a case of creativity block. However, the crucial key into deciding your fashion blog's name is your individuality. Avoid picking generic terms that may already be the name of countless fashion blogs online. Examples? 'Fabulous Fashionista' or 'Chic Shopaholic' are headed for extinction due to rapid (and unoriginal) use. Not only are these names tinged with triteness, but they do not make your blog stand out from the rest. Stick to your personal taste and a unique blog name will follow. Perhaps you harbor a love for stiletto heels and medieval history? Fuse your interests together to conjure an original blog name. Alternatively, you may want to utilize word translations to effectively produce a unique blog name. Try keep your blog short and simple so that your name will be memorable for your (future) readers.
Step 2: Creating Your Blog. A menu of appetizing platforms awaits you: Wordpress, Blogger... Which one will you choose? Once you have your blog name chosen and ready, your next step is to actually create your blog. The majority of fashion blogs are hosted on blog-publishing platforms, where you possess the freedom to write whatever content you want and design your blog in any manner you desire. Blogger is the primary platform utilized by fashion bloggers; Blogger is easy to navigate and is compatible for both newbie and maven fashion bloggers. Wordpress allows bloggers to fully customize their fashion blog to a deeper extent, but is recommended for experienced bloggers. I suggest Blogger for any fashion blogger starting out; once you have registered for your blog with your new blog name Blogger or any platform you choose, it is time to don a beret and whisk out the painting palette to create your blog layout. As you grow more experienced with fashion blogging, you will learn how to personalize your blog layout to the way you truly prefer it to be. However, because you are first starting out, it is best to adhere to Blogger's pre-made blog templates so you can smoothly personalize your blog without having to be confounded by the web jargon of HTML or CSS. I highly recommend the "simple blog" from Blogger template for beginners.
Step 3: Writing Your First Blog Post. With a blog name determined and an actual blog created, the time has come for you to create your first blog post. Do not think of your fashion blog as a cousin of the dreaded 10-page research essay; your fashion blog has been created for you to write whatever pleases you. Most fashion blogs are divided into two categories: style bloggers and fashion bloggers. Allow me to distinguish the difference for you; style bloggers, such as Flashes of Style and The Blonde Salad, are bloggers who primarily post photographs of their daily outfits. Their content relies heavily on visuals and the ensembles they wear; sometimes, their outfit photographs are accompanied by short blurbs about where they purchased a particular bag from or a brief review of their day. These bloggers are essentially considered to be "fashion bloggers," but they may also be known as style bloggers.
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